Refugees to retreat? There is no ban on mass demonstrations for Michalovce and Strážske


The reason for lifting the ban on mass demonstrations for both cities is to reduce cases of illness. "The positive development is mainly that there have been three cases in the city of Michalovce last weekend and there have been no cases in the last 24 hours" explained to the media after the crisis staff who met Tuesday at the district office of Michalovce, its leader Jana Cibereová. According to her, all inhabitants of the disease outbreak are vaccinated. If the situation in the city changes, the ban will return

"In the past two weeks, 92 new cases have arisen in the Michalovce district and only 16 of them were from Michalovce" added to the SR Chief Hygienist Ján Mikas with the fact that the development of the city is stabilizing, the situation will continue to be monitored. The new cases are more about the surrounding communities where the vaccination takes place. This is also the case in other homes. Depending on the preference, the role of observation remains to identify the sites where infection is possible, to report the number of people and then to inherit them

According to Mikas, the number is vaccinated at 3276. on Mlynska Street in Michalovce, who refused to submit this measure. About six people out of a dozen families, five of whom have already been vaccinated. Regarding a person, it is at the stage of the solution

About 350 cases of measles are recorded on Zemplín Tuesday morning. 16 patients were enrolled in the Infecology Department of Michigan Hospital at this time. "Six patients were hospitalized in the past 24 hours, and seven patients were still ambulatory in the emergency department," said Mayor Štefan Zamba. According to him, the development in terms of number of patients is stabilized. On Tuesday, 247 patients were hospitalized at the beginning of May, and more than 100 patients were treated on an outpatient basis.

Regarding complications, the main one mainly concerned pulmonary inflammation in young children. "Life in danger was not at the moment," pointed out. He noted that they also had pregnant patients. "Even our birth was born", said that he had no complications. Currently, none of the Michaloviec patients have hospitalized a patient, but the number of patients is increasing but they are registered in Veľké Kapušian and Ruská, Kapušianske Kľačany and Krišovská Liesková. Most of the measures taken in the first seat of the crisis, monitor the police or help vaccinate, but also ensure the transport of people infected by ambulance, continues to apply. The next meeting of the crisis team is scheduled for August 13th.

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