Renault launches car-sharing of electric cars


Although electromobiles have a number of disadvantages, they have the greatest potential in dilapidated and polluted city centers. One of the options is car sharing, which now takes Renault and Peugeot.

The French car manufacturer Renault announced Wednesday it was going to launch a car sharing service in Paris in cooperation with the municipal authorities. It was the day after the publication of similar plans by the Peugeot in competition.

Renault wants to offer a self-service electric car rental in the city center since September. This is another service after the introduction of electric taxis. At the end of 2019, Renault's fleet of electric cars in Paris will reach some 2,000 units.

Peugeot also announced Tuesday, July 3, that it planned to deploy about 500 self – service electric cars in the French capital by the end of the year. The two companies are trying to fill the gap that remains after the Paris authorities have decided to end the Autolib car-sharing service for financial problems.

Following the deployment of its "fleet" Renault wants to create a working group with Parisian offices to meet representatives of cities and companies to develop new ideas for the future of urban transport

"This Constructive agreement is also an opportunity to support technological and industrial progress, "said Paris Mayor Anne Hidalg


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