Rental mothers in Ukraine: revealed a clinic that exported children abroad


According to the first, hundreds of rented males have been identified. However, the priest did not specify the name of a clinic specialized in artificial insemination, nor the identity of a 41-year-old stranger who, according to him, had been created seven years ago [19659002]. they did not provide him with the necessary biological material and, in the counterfeit documents, they considered the biological parents of the child with whom they traveled without problem

The clinic collected 32 000 euros for its services, a renter mother of 6,000 euros. At the press conference, it was reported that the identity of those who had been paid by the renter mothers and who had paid them could be identified. The Ukrainian authorities also asked for help to investigate the case of foreign partners in order to clarify the identity of these exported children and sent them information on the situation of the clinic and foreigners during their stay in Ukraine

The exact number of these children is not yet known, said the priest. According to him, the case will also require a review of existing legislative "holes" to clarify, in cooperation with the health sector, when it is possible to talk about criminal activity in similar cases and not when [19652009]. t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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