Rescuers helped two tourists collapsed


They interfered in Mala Fatra and Kysucia.

Žilina, July 25 (TASR) – Žilina aviation rescuers traveled to Mala Fatra on Wednesday morning to help a 36-year-old tourist who lost consciousness in the Krakow region. TASR informed Zuzana Hopjaková, a spokeswoman for the helicopter rescue service (VZZS),

The collapse of the tourist was, according to him, associated with convulsions and loss of consciousness. "Gradually, a 36-year-old man was taken in charge by the rescuers and transferred to a rescue helicopter that landed in a suitable place, after being treated by plane at the hospital of the Faculty with a policlinic in Žilina Hopjak

After returning to the base, the rescuers immediately went to Turzovka in the district of Čadca "It was a collapse of a woman 70 years old who was suddenly out of control with subsequent unconsciousness. "The witnesses started an immediate resuscitation, and after the arrival of rapid medical assistance, the rescuers continued to resuscitate, which was successful and after providing vital vital functions, she was airlifted to artificial pulmonary ventilation in a stabilized department at the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Hospital Medicine. Kysucki with polyclinic in Chad. " spokesman for the Air Force Rescue

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