Residential school remediation could begin as early as this year


Higher Schools (HEIs) could start the second $ 30 million package to repair trainees to raise funds this year.

She was appointed by the Minister of Education, Martina Luby (nominated to the SNS), according to which this depends on how the different schools progress with the reconstruction from the first stage. The government has released 50 million to repair trainees. The first 20 were released in June, 30 more were to be fired in 2019 and 2020. "The first 20 million euros already have universities in their accounts, another 30 million were planned for the year. next year but schools can do To make the first prize this year, they can request a $ 30 million package to send something this year, but it's really individual, "added Luby

This year will see the reconstruction of the student accommodation facilities in Bratislava, Košice, Prešov, Trnava, Nitra, Banská Bystrica, Žilina, Trenčín, Ruzomberok, Zvolen and Komárne. In total, 20 million euros have been sent to university public accounts and the largest reconstruction of accommodation capacity in the country 's history has begun. According to information from the education sector, the largest part of the funds reserved is for the rehabilitation of student housing in Bratislava, for an amount of EUR 8 107 710

Lenka Miller from Department of Public Relations of the Comenius University of Bratislava for TASR the Department of Education sent a sum of 3 150 917 euros to the account of the university on 19 June. In Bratislava, the Slovak Technical University has also received funding of EUR 3,956,793.

The University Pavol Jozef Šafárik of Košice received 1,038,000 EUR, the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy of Košice 495,939 eur Three million euros were also awarded to the Technical University of East. The education school sent 1,500,000 euros to Prešov University of Prešov and to the University of Constantine the philosopher of Nitra for a million euros The Zilina University of Žilina will use 1,041,351 euros for the renewal of student housing. The Technical University of Zvolen received 1 805 000 euros, the University Mateja Bela of Banská Bystrica 540 000 euros and the Slovak University of Agriculture Nitra 600 000 euros.

Katolice University of Ružomberok (506,000 euros) Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka of Trenčín (237,000 euros), J. Selye University of Komárno (50,000 euros), Banská Bystrica Academy of Arts (30.000 euros), Univerzita sv. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (27,000 euros) and Trnava University in Trnava (22,000 euros)

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