Rhythm burns bridges, Dara knows how to do it


Since the break-up of the prominent Slovakian couple Dary and Rytmus, some time has passed, but we have noticed a new look. Did they really stay in a relationship as they said in their statutes?

We all remember when Dara and Rytmus, through their official statements on Instagram, all announced a definitive breakthrough. From their common bond, they feel that they are still very close to each other and that they run in peace, no scandal has been scattered.

The public has so easily shown that such a widely publicized celebrity relationship can end without extreme exits nor snoring. Both admitted that they share the same measure and are a voluntary decision of two reasonable adults. But as they say, they will certainly remain good friends and they will not be ashamed. But is this really true?

These days, Rhythm itself has stopped watching Dar on the Instagram social network, while Dara's account continues to keep track of her former partner


Rapper is currently in love with the magnificent Slovak presenter Jasmin Alagich. Together, they love and regularly rent photos with love on the Internet. The rhythm even claimed that it's the strongest thing he's ever experienced. The way he beat Daru and indignant a lot of fans.

There is none again near the charming present, but that does not prevent him from enjoying his life. The singer is busy and spends her free time with Laura's daughter. (1969008)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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