Richard Raši presented three basic steps to support Smart Cities


Bratislava, July 23 (TASR) – The first step will be the creation of a Smart Cities Web Platform, a second series of activities to support them, and a third publication of calls. . On Monday, Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Computerization, Richard Raši (Smer-SD) presented specific measures to support smart cities in Slovakia

The Web will launch challenges, information for municipalities, inspiring Smart Cities projects or experts. He added that the site should be created by the end of 2018 and should contain the necessary information in one place. The definition of a set of activities, funded by the operational program, is scheduled for the end of October. "D here the end of the year, there will be calls for solutions for smart cities," recalled the Deputy Prime Minister, adding that he would create a center for Calls for smaller cities. 19659002] The funding indicated that hybrid financing solutions will be available on the state budget, eurobonds, the European Investment Bank, the horizontal programs of Brussels . "The draft budget for 2019 will also include funding," said that the focus should be on the resources of the European Union

Director General of the Cabinet Section of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Computerization (ÚPVII) Denisa Žilakova said that a working group is formed, whose members are the governing bodies that they have announced challenges, a socio-economic association, and his gesture is the ICPD. Rashi added that they would actively cooperate with the Association of Cities and Municipalities of Slovakia

The deputy prime minister said that they wanted to create a motivating environment for self-governments so that they would not be able to do anything. they can address the proposed solutions and put them into practice. SmartCities will support the fields of energy, waste management, transportation, the environment, computerization and more.

See the record of the press conference:

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