Rolls-Royce mixes cards on the taxi fares market


Three-dimensional city traffic and short and medium distance air taxis will soon be a reality. Various estimates indicate that the first flying vehicles with a departure and a perpendicular landing that we know as VTOL will appear in two years

See AeroMobil 5.0 – Slovaks make an electric flying car with a perpendicular departure

They work on big companies like Airbus or Uber, but also a number of startups, including Google's co-founder, Kitty Hawk, Larry Page. And do not forget the Slovak Aeromobil, whose 5th version will already be able to start perpendicularly and fly

Flying hybrid

The attractiveness of the idea also confirms the And considerable interest of technology companies in the development of smaller or larger transport UAVs. The last addition to this "platoon" was a good opponent

SOURCE | AeroMobil

At the Farnborough International Air Show, Airbus 2018, Rolls-Royce introduced its vertical takeoff and landing electric (EVTOL) concept

See Uber showed uberAIR, Revealed Flying Machine Concepts

The concept still exists only in the form of visualization (see title image) and Rolls Royce seeks partners who will be involved in its development and production. However, the essential things and the parameters are clearly stated.

This is actually a hybrid electricity generator utilizing the Rolls-Royce M250 turbine, which is stored in batteries and powered simultaneously by six electric motors

L & # 39; Electromobility is a revolution in the air

Turbo M250 located at the rear of the aircraft is a very successful Rolls-Royce engine. More than 31,000 units have been delivered since the first version of the first version more than a century ago

SOURCE | The Verge

At present, about 16,000 pieces of these turbines are in use.

The concept of EVTOL Rolls-Royce at a glance:

– Flexible Platform for Passenger and Freight Transportation, and More than 170 Applications civil and military in the form of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. Military Applications

– Vertical Takeoff and Landing Tailings (VTOL)

– When flight height is reached, the wing propeller is tilted to reduce cabin noise and the 39; aircraft uses two rear propellers

– or a five-seater cabin

– 500 thousand miles (800 km), traveling speed 250 miles / h (about 400 km / h)

– M250 hybrid [19659003] – M250 Hybrid Electric Motor Will Provide About 500kW Of Electrical Power

– A Large Battery Will Provide Enough Power To Start

– 6 Power / Lifting Motors With Integrated Power Electronics [19659025] SOURCE | Rolls-Royce

Rob Watson, at Rolls-Royce, leader of the electromobility team, said: "Electrification is an exciting and irreversible trend in the industrial technology markets, and although the transition to electrical control will be gradual for us "

Project for the Next Decade

The Rolls-Royce EVTOL project fits into the" electrification of favors "strategy of the company. Based on the experience gained in the supply of hybrid electric motors for trains, seagoing ships and other applications, and on the experience of the company in the field of gas turbines, VTOL technology. , systems analysis and aeronautical regulation and certification


Hybrid control will bring several advantages, combining the advantages of an electric drive with the advantages of combustion engines. the machine will produce its own electricity, it n & # 39; will need & # 39; no ground battery charge.

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At the same time, it will not need a big battery like a pure electric machine. Gasoline has a higher gravimetric energy density than Li-ion batteries. It is not known if it is a weight gain compared to electric machines given the need for a turbogenerator on board

In any case, under the direction of a motor manufacturer of British plane, a viable project is emerging. The company estimates that flying taxis on this basis could be available in the first half of the 1920s.

Source Rolls-Royce

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