Roma from around the world draw a great mystery to Piešťany


Slovakia's Roma are gathered in a park in the spa town.

Tempted Piestany attracted news of the healer who would have seen the Virgin Mary, and he is able to prove miracles. Some have been waiting for a few days, with about 300 people on the park Sunday. And there are other parts of the world

For six days, Roma from Slovakia and the Czech Republic gather in a park in Piešťany. "His chosen savior, He is directly from God. But the Romans only treat us.Yesterday again, the parents of a 10-year-old girl with polio of a child and in wheelchair were far from their own health, "hope people, he does not want to reveal the identity of the healer, they simply say that Maroš is called and not the Roma. " He chooses who he will heal, we must not be on television or in newspapers, because then we will not die. He sees who is sick and who can help. He comes somewhere, and when he heals two, he has to go to bed, because he takes his energy, "say the Roma from Prague, who is in Piestany on the third day. "We are the Romans of the Romans, they can only heal us, on the way are others from around the world, from Belgium, Hungary, but also from America," they add. "He comes to whom he chooses, and he will see God through him, then he touches him, we hug and heal him.He does everything for free, He is not an ordinary man, he drinks water and dry bread, he is a new savior " describes the course of the" healing "

. " He is a man of the same name. middle age, well deserved a few days ago. However, there are only Roma in such expensive cars and used gold, not the poor, "they nod their heads. Citizens complain about the situation, but the city police are vulnerable. "The population regrouping of the city can not be prohibited by law, the security forces patrol intensely at this place.In order to ensure order in this area, a container has been put in place, "spokeswoman Eva Bereczova said. The city also went to the plenipotentiary office and the public health office because there are no toilets near the park

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