Royal Regime by Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle: They are kept in the form of princesses


Do you know what Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton have in common, except that they both went to the prince? Perfect characters. We managed to discover what is their secret recipe for a perfect figure. Discover it with us.

  They keep themselves in the shape of a princess, look at their secrets

So they are kept in the form of a princess, see their mysteries [19659004] Source: Profimedia

Vojvodkyne Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton look everywhere they find, but they both have the perfect face, but they also have an absolutely perfect silhouette. (19659006)

Kate and Meghan love sports as well as today: how did the beauty of beauty change, and who are at the top of the twenties? they do not let go of the morning run and yoga, but the duchesses know that without food it does not work, so each of them also follows the strict dinners, which makes them super and even Kate even after three births

Živelabudič: Smoothie from Zelené

Breakfast: Herb omelet, cheese and toast

Salad or sushi

Olovrant: Green smoothie

Dinner: Kate has a perfect character "style =" width: 450px; height: 858px; "/>
Source: Profimedia

Jedálniček Meghan podle

Životabudič Water with lemon and a green smoothie

Breakfast: Sheep flakes with banana and syrup d & Agave

Desiata: Apple with almond butter and sea salt

Lunch: Vegetable salad with cheese

Pasta with zucchini, parmesan and wine cup

As you can see, both Duchesses eat regularly, at least five times a day, but eat less caloric foods. But during the day, they try to eat so as not to suddenly feel hungry. It is the most crucial mistake that women make in their desire for a perfect figure. They let their bodies literally starve and then they eat a profitable meal. But if you want to have a beautiful silhouette, this is definitely not the case.

Miraculous Royal Beverage

This super drink does not allow Kate and Meghan to engage. It's a smoothie made of leafy vegetables, spinach, romaine lettuce, matcha tea, coriander, blueberries and spirulina. Both beauties drink it twice a day. In a way, it can prime the immune system, has a low calorie content, but also improves digestion, lowers cholesterol and cancer risk. A high content of iron, calcium, a high proportion of vitamins and antioxidants make it a perfect superfood. What do you say, do not you try to spend the next few days on this way of eating? In our opinion, you will see the results very quickly. [196590011] Do not neglect: The brutal regimes of the couple of stars revealed: "After what the Brazilian gazela sees every day, your sled will fall

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