Russia has a problem: it is on the threshold of the HIV epidemic


Russia and some post-Soviet states are threatening the uncontrolled HIV epidemic. WHO, the World Health Organization, and the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, ECDC, have raised the issue.

Russia has registered about 2017 104,000 new cases people infected with HIV. The number of people infected if exceeded 1.2 millionwhich is far from the final figure. The disease spreads uncontrollably. Russian doctors have insufficient medicines for treatment.

The number of infected animals can increase significantly

Essential information is that most new cases occurred during heterosexual intercourse, suggesting that the disease spreads outside risk groups. "If we do not reinforce the countermeasures, the number of infected people could increase exponentially,"Speaks Masoud Dara, WHO expert.

Russian doctors must advise without substance methadone, which reduces the risk of infection by a syringe. The substance is banned in Russia. The other post-Soviet countries, where the number of infected animals has increased over the past 10 years, are also significantly affected almost 60%. Russia claims that the annexation of Crimea has contributed to the spread of the disease. In this region, after the occupation of Russia in 2014, the number of HIV-infected viruses has increased significantly.

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