Russian military planes again disrupted Estonian airspace


The Estonian Army said that a Russian military aircraft had disrupted Estonian airspace in an area near Vaindloo in the Baltic Sea.

According to the Estonian army, the incident occurred Thursday afternoon, with a Russian plane flying Il-76 in Estonian. airspace for almost a minute

According to published data, the aircraft was powered by a so-called "transponder, but the crew did not announce the plane of flight and did not establish radio contact with the Estonian Air Traffic Control Center

In the latter case, the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Russian Ambassador to Tallinn to deliver the corresponding note. Since the beginning of the year, Estonia has reported four alleged violations of airspace by Russian planes.

The military added that on Tuesday there was almost the same inconvenience in the same area. In connection with this media incident, it was an Il-96 type airliner that allegedly belonged to the Russian presidential office

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