Russians tried to interfere with US elections, said Facebook's chief


According to Mark Zuckerberg, Russia abused Facebook to intervene in the US presidential election.

Facebook leader Mark Zuckerberg said that he believed the US press was using Facebook to interfere with the US presidential elections

"We saw enough clear evidence that the Russians were trying to interfere with elections, "he said. in an interview for the Recode website, which was released on Wednesday. He said there was no reason not to disagree with the US secret service under which Russia abused

Trollova Farm

"These are real things. not things that someone invented. "We saw this activity," he said, observing the activity of the Petrohrade Internet Research Agency

not only monitoring his efforts in the United States, but observing its efforts to manipulate culture and governance in Russia The Washington Examiner

The Internet Research Agency, the so-called troll farm, specializes in spreading propaganda on Internet and misinformation.The US intelligence agency began to intervene in US politics as early as 2014, two years before the presidential election

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