Ryanair canceled flights between Bratislava and Bologna for strike pilots


BRATISLAVA, July 25 (WebNoviny.sk) – Ryanair canceled a scheduled flight from Bologna to Bratislava on Wednesday night, followed by a return flight

Veronika Ševčíková, spokesman for the airport from Bratislava, confirmed that the reason for the cancellation flights between Bologna and Bratislava is a strike of Ryanair pilots. Ryanair cancels some 600 flights

The Ryanair flight between Bratislava and Bologna operates twice a week – Wednesday with a scheduled flight "All other Ryanair flights departing from Bratislava are properly organized according to the l. "

Ryanair obtained flights from Bratislava to Rome, from Bergamo in Italy, as well as from Charleroi, British Columbia and London to Stansted Airport. Bratislava Airport planned to provide a total of 72 arrivals and departures for scheduled and chat lines Wednesday and 53 flights Thursday

Ryanair cancels about sixty flights Wednesday and Wednesday for the crew strike driving. It could reach up to 100,000 passengers in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Belgium, but most customers in Europe should not have a strike, the company reported on the portal bbc.com

Governance and Staff Disputes

canceled 24 flights between Ireland and the United Kingdom. Irish rivals Ryanair hit a week before the carrier had to cancel 30 flights between the two countries. Unions criticize company for pilot relocation procedures between carrier bases in Europe and Africa

Leadership also deals with career advancement and leave. Ryanair had already reported that the June air strikes reached 210,000 men. passengers for a series of weekend strikes and a shortage of staff in the UK, Germany and France had to cancel 1,100 flights. Last year, only 41 flights were canceled by the carrier in June

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