Sakova will talk about the migration to Innsbruck on a number of ministers


Interior Minister Denisa Sakova will participate in informal talks on migration in Innsbruck, Austria.

Interior and Justice Ministers to Speak Thursday on Informal Talks on Migration in Austria, Including Minister of the Interior Denisa Sakova (Smer-SD)

"Given that the meeting will be held at the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, we are waiting for a fundamental position of the Austrian party that corresponds to the long-standing attitude of Slovakia," said the head of the Ministry of the Interior

. , that a reform of the asylum system is necessary. "This means that we have to expel the people and asylum seekers who actually have the right to asylum in the Schengen area," she explained.

For another key point, Sakova envisions a return policy and a readmission policy. In his own words, if someone illegally crosses the Schengen border, a return policy should actually return to his or her home country.

The Austrian Presidency also considers the fight against anti-Semitism and the protection of Jewish institutions in Europe as important. However, ministers will also address the topic of police cooperation at the fourth hearing, particularly in cases of conquest and municipal police. Austria will present and define the general roles and propose goals for 2020 and 2025, with the ministers' discussion

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