Samsung has apologized to the factories. They lead to serious illness and death


Many health problems have marked the rest of life.

Several weeks ago, Samsung signed a financial compensation agreement with its former employees, who suffer from health problems at work due to poor working conditions in one of the chip making factories.

According to the Associated Press, Kinam Kim, head of Kinam Kim's electronic equipment division, officially justified the affected families last Friday.

"We sincerely apologize to all of our former employees with the disease as well as their families," said Kim Kinam at a press conference in Seoul, on the occasion of which activists were also involved in the family of ex-workers.

Although representatives of Samsung confessed to not having complied with the safety instructions in force, the company still has not officially acknowledged that the factory's working environment was directly related to the disease of former employees.

Recall that the case of serious diseases employees of manufacturing plants in South Korea with the possible continuity of the working environment in the factories we devoted ourselves in detail already in 2016.

An 11-year battle

Independent organization Sharps, who founded Hwang Sang-gi with other employees, has been studying the issue for a long time. Her daughter died of leukemia in 2007, just after working for Samsung for four years.

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The main purpose of the organization is the fight for safety at the workplace of the South Korean manufacturer. Sharp objects reportedly reported more than 200 cases of serious illness among former workers, showing lymphomas, multiplexes, lupus and leukemia among diagnoses. At the same time, until August 2016, 76 people, mostly young people, died.

The case also referred to the fact that South Korean producers had to apply for a license if they wanted to use them for the production of this chemical. Employees asked for information about the chemicals they are working on.

In addition, in accordance with the legislation in force, the law obliges the employer to disclose the necessary information, if any, to "protect life, physical safety and health". However, Samsung has not always done so, arguing with trade secrets.

Compensation is multiplied

Samsung agrees to compensate former workers suffering from various health problems that have been working in the manufacture of chips and LCDs since 1984. More than 150 million South Korean victories (nearly 118,000 euros) relate to people with leukemia .

Compensation is also claimed by former workers who have abused or were born to children with a congenital disorder or cancer.

"No excuse is enough if you realize what Samsung has suffered from the humiliation of the last 11 years." We have suffered a lot because of the loss of our loved ones and the occupational disease, said Hwang. Today's apology from Samsung as a promise to improve safety at my workplace, "he added.

Recall that since 2007, the South Korean government has asked a dozen former Samsung employees to apply for financial compensation for occupational disease. Some have experienced it after a court case last year, with half of the claim being dismissed or subject to investigation.

(1 EUR = 1,273.13 KRW)

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