SaS attacks the health sector again. She presented her solutions


Source: TASR / Jaroslav Novák

BRATISLAVA – The opposition party Sloboda in Solidarita criticizes the measures taken by the Ministry of Health. According to the comments of Prime Minister Petr Pellegrini (Smer-SD) and Health Minister Andrea Kalavska (appointed by Smer-SD), the patient is the first to be the most powerful party of the opposition. He has therefore submitted proposals for changes to the reduction of health benefits paid to workers.

Opposition party leader, SaS Richard Sulik, said at a press conference that the government, led by Prime Minister Petrol Pellegrini, claimed to be the health of the citizens and that he only would not compromise, but the opposite is true when one looks at facts and figures.

The government fails

Sulik pointed out that instead of spending 70 million euros on medicines for patients in need, "go like a surplus to farms". He also recalled the theme of hospital retreat. "The government is unable to mitigate the hospitals so that they do not create new debt.We are talking about hundreds of millions of euros.The debt continues to grow, the government is failing all the way , proves once again that the state is a bad owner ", the chairman of the SaS stressed. The problem is also the budget of the Ministry of Health. "The money that goes from state to health care will be cut the most, the head of the Ministry of Health will drop by almost 16%," he said.

The SaS president also noted that the government was shifting the burden of financing the health sector to workers. "The state paid four percent of the average salary of its policyholders two years ago, it has now been reduced, and that's why the whole chapter is falling out." Wicker explains. As he adds, the government says it is groping the population for more money to put it on " meaningless packages ".

Proposed modifications

SaS Janka Cigániková, the secessionist for health care, explained what would be a payment for the state insured. "Each of us who works pays a 14% tax, 10% paid by the employer, 4% paid by the employee." At the same time, she said that since 2016, the payment for the policyholder had fallen out of the state. The government wants to mourn this problem. "The state gives nothing of the budget and leaves everything on economically active people." Literally, the workers. "

The government wants health care not to be financed by the contributions of workers and non-workers, but vice versa. "The government says that it has to go to health care, wait how much it will pay for workers, and then pay for what is missing." said Cigániková. According to the government, instead of reducing the contributions of citizens or overburdening workers, the government is changing the funding that could remain in health care. ,,We decided not to watch, " said Cigániková.

The Liberty and Solidarity opposition party has therefore prepared two amendments. They want to maintain a premium rate of 4% for state insurers. They also want to reduce health care payments for workers by one percentage point.

According to Sulik, the prime minister and the minister do not care about the health of citizens. Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

Money is, but elsewhere

An amount of 300 million euros is needed for health care to work afterwards. That's the difference between less than three percent that the state plans to pay for insurers and four percent. The Gypsy woman explained that instead of taking money from people, they would leave them and that health care would be more effective. "As long as we leave them to people, they will be absent from the health service," she said and went on to say that they found two main sources where finances could be used. The first is the budget of the Ministry of Defense, where it would be raised 200 million euros and the second is a state budget reserve of 100 million euros.

Ministry of Finance says patients will not be cut

In its response, the Department of Finance fundamentally rejects the Liberal claims that there is an increased burden on workers. They will not pay more than now, patients will not be cut. ,,All medical expenses are paid by employees and employers, either directly through health insurance contributions, or indirectly through state tax revenues, which are then used to budget payment payments. to state insurers ". the Ministry of Finance said.

The evolution of health financing by the state is justified by the concern for stability. He wants to talk about total health spending, which is the norm in all other budget areas, but also in other countries. ,,Instead of an insignificant percentage for public insurers, we want to talk about areas of concern such as drugs, health care providers and others that are really important for better health outcomes. . The procedure is inscribed in the spirit of the recently published health expenditure review ", the ministry said.

The spa is clear about it

"The Ministry of Health firmly rejects the statements of the opposition party SaS. Negotiations with the Treasury are continuing, so much money in the sector that it really needs," wrote Zuzana Eliášová, a spokesperson for's Department of Health.

Gypsy introduced two amendments. Source: SITA / Branislav Bibel
Hospitals are becoming more indebted, says Sulik. Source: TASR / Michal Svítok
Minister Kalavska says that the patient is the first patient. Source: SITA / Diana Černáková
The Ministry of Health rejects the statements of the SaS opposition. Source: SITA / Diana Černáková



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