SAS is in agreement with the Ministry of Education. In the game can be a land of value | economy


SAE President Pavol Shajgalik warns against the disappearance of the entire institution. Education Minister Martina Lubyová highlights the mistakes of scientists. Both institutions argued that this prevents academic institutions from becoming independent.

The transformation of the institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences into public research institutions is complicated. At the beginning of July, 47 SAS institutes had to move to the new legal form of a public research institute. Other activities would then be performed in their own direction and under their own responsibility, including the handling of state property that they have just managed. However, the plan is blocked.

The Ministry of Education has not registered the transforming institutes of SAS in the register of public research institutions and since then they can not act with the legal personality provided by law to from July 1st, 2018.

"The department was not able to register because the evidence necessary for its registration was not provided in the additional 30-day period and more than 40 impairments were identified in submitted documents, "said Martina Lubyová, Minister of Education.

Pavol Šajgalík Source: Milan David

The President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Pavol Šajgalík, states that the constitutions have entered a legal vacuum and that the situation may escalate to the point of At the end of any academy.

"Unless the transformation of SAS is over, the academy could disappear," he said for TASR. This is due, among other things, to the uncertainty in which institute staff have found themselves. "Seventy percent of the staff of the Academy is

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