SaS: Mochovce will not be ready. Tunneling in them.


SaS President Richard Sulík sees the project of the completion of two nuclear blocks in the Mochovce Tunnel by the affiliates of Smer-SD

SaS Party does not believe in the completion third and fourth blocks of the Mochovce NPP. "The blocks were originally completed in 2012. And this is not the case.We have been warned for a long time that the money is falling into a black hole.Of course this extension s & # 39; The deadlines are not met, the budget is increasing, "said SaS President Richard Sulik on Wednesday.

According to the Liberal president, there is no deadline for completing the third nuclear block, the second quarter of next year. "Mochovce will certainly not be ready.The Prime Minister does not know what he is talking about or deliberately introduced.It is a money maker (the project to complete Mochoviec – a note of red.), Something like, somarík otras sa "All this will be paid by the citizens.It is a great tragedy," said Sulik, who is convinced of the construction of tunnels in the completion of the nuclear blocks. "Related companies are digging money," he added.

The opposition party SaS proposes to privatize Slovak power plants. "However, it is doubtful who is interested in such a company and what amount," said the MEP for the party SaS and Karol Galek, an energy party leader. The SaS also calls on the government to adopt a fixed and binding timetable for its completion and its budget at the same time as the firm sanction of Enel, which is responsible for completing it. "The government should regularly inform the Parliamentary Economic Committee on the state of completion of Mochovce.We want to create public pressure," concluded Galek

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