SAS scientists explore the flora and fauna introduced in Slovakia, the public can also be involved in research


BRATISLAVA, July 7 ( – Non-native plants and animals from other countries or continents are a growing problem at the time of the great movement of goods and people

Scientists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences) have developed a special VISITOR application that maps the dangerous species.

Face the conditions of survival

"The application available for free allows people to walk in the wild or in the city in a very simple and intuitive way to collect and send data on the occurrence of target species we have typed in. At the moment, they are 30, focusing on species that are well resolved in nature.The photos and data sent by our users will then be checked by our experts and published on the site. " says Ladislav Pekárik of the Center for Plant Biology and Biodiversity of SAS

Monika Hucáková, spokesperson for SITA, informs SAR, Monica Hucáková, that non-native plants and animals compete with our households on nutrients, light, pollinators or new Rotation

Weeds or allergens can damage structural statics or increase bank erosion. Animals can carry various diseases and pests or cause economic damage to fish.

"Non-native species are not only potentially dangerous for our habitats, but they are also pleasant, like the beetle crater that started to grow. spread over Slovakia in the last two years through Hungary or directly from Italy through imported ornamentals.It damages various species of cranberries, cyprus and peas, "said M Pekárik, adding that the law requires owners or owners to eliminate invasive species. "We will report our project to the autonomous governments to help identify these species ", concludes Pekaik

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