SaS: The honor suddenly costs 200 thousand euros


Judge of the Bratislava Regional Court Ayas Pružinec Eren sued Alois Barbarik for his remarks, which he made before the Parliament. In a plenary session on February 7, the SaS for Justice announced that Judge Springer Eren was a "forceful derailleur who decides things the way we do not want to, deciding in the most shocking way, a person who is a member of the team." a judicial mafia that makes it impossible to establish justice in Slovakia ". The District Court of Bratislava I imposed a fine of 200,000 euros on the Member of Parliament

. SaS President Richard Sulík saw the case as an outrage and an infringement of freedom of expression. "Immunity for statements by members of the National Assembly in Parliament is important for the proper performance of their work.Criticizing and pointing to translations is their basic role and duty at the same time. filed a complaint to 200,000 euros for Alois Barbaric, and the other judge acknowledged his claim.There is an economic liquidation.However, the deputies of the opposition do not show millions of euros d & rsquo; Side by side. SaS members are honest and honest people, they feed off their work, and 200,000 euros are intimidating MPs in the exercise of their mandate.The court denied that A member has the right to speak to Parliament in accordance with his or her convictions, "said Liberal leader Alojz Baranik,

. The successor of Smer-SD in Parliament Martin Glvač he named an important function of someone who could be considered a totally unacceptable candidate

Baranik also pointed out that the judge in question had also initiated two separate disciplinary proceedings in two parliamentary committees, but none of them convicted him. "This proves that the majority National Council Committees of the Slovak Republic did not consider these statements to be a deviation from the freedom of speech of a member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic," Baránik said. Member of the Disciplinary Senate. My statements were not selfish. I have fulfilled my mandate as I thought necessary. If nothing else is the result of this process, I would be happy if the debate on where the border is, what a member can do. If the border is unclear, the judges will decide in any case what the member can decide. It's unimaginable, it's pure intimidation. "

The punishment of 200 thousand euros was also the chief We are the family of Boris Kollar." I am struggling with something like this for a year, it is the subject of proceedings and I ask 200 thousand euros. I thought it was a unique shot. When he came to my colleague Baranic, I realized that it was not a coincidence. According to Kollar, the power of judging has decided to alert members of what they are and what they are not. "After such attacks, many deputies will think about what they say.For four years in Parliament, they do not lose as much as a judge takes them.It is unacceptable in a democracy that. a member in plenary can not exercise a free mandate, "says Kollar.

Igor Matovič pointed out that there is also a judicial Mafia in addition to a government mafia who takes every opportunity to intimidate opposition MPs. "I'm not saying that all judges are bad, but, unfortunately, there are also those who use economic leverage for you, putting pressure on a member who wants to exercise his or her mandate freely." Then his family said, "Wait a minute. you are fighting for people, but we will be paid for it, because you will get a higher fine than you won in politics. "Matovic recalled in this respect, as in the past, Robert Fico:" Families War heroes who died in the village of Hejce received 53,000 euros. In the case of the Nováky tragedies, the families were compensated for 33 thousand euros. In this case, the judge honors 200,000 euros, six times more than the life of the man. "

Miroslav Beblavý, chairman of the common party, expressed his solidarity with the opposition colleague." Members are immune from the constitution of statements made in Parliament so that they can freely represent their constituents. That is why we kept it even though we abolished parliamentary immunity. When immunity is significant, she must also protect herself against the possibility of bankrupting the MP with disproportionate sanctions for having expressed his attitude on the land of the RS, "said Mr Beblavý.

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