Scientists have developed material that goes against logic. It blocks the sound without affecting the light and the air


Scientists at Boston University have managed to create material that goes against our "logic". They managed to combine mathematics and 3D printing develop a material permeable to air and light, but the sound does not cross it. He writes the Internet magazine

"The idea is that we can mathematically create objects that block the sounds of anything," added researcher Xin Zhang, adding that this invention could bring a much more "calm" future.

Acoustic material that blocks sound

On the basis of calculations, scientists have been able to create a specific material dimension capable of reflecting incoming sound waves to their source without affecting the permeability of air and light. Subsequently, this 3D material was extruded as a cone inserted into the PVC tube. They placed a speaker on the other end. After activating the speaker, they found that the material created by them blocking up to 94% of the sound in the pipe.

"The moment we placed and removed this material for the first time … it was literally day and night. We have seen these results in our computer models for a long time – but one thing is to see this model of sound pressure in one computer and another to hear its effect on its own. "Says Jacob Nikolajczyk, one of the researchers.

The researchers add that the structure of the material they developed is
super light, beautiful and open. In addition, they can be used as
tiles or bricks to create a waterproof wall that cancels the sound.


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