Scientists have discovered a planet similar to Earth. Soon they will explore if there is life on its surface


A team of scientists from Cornell University says they are managed to find the first potentially habitable planet similar to Earth outside our solar system with NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TSS). highlights this topic.

GJ 357 d

The discovery of the success of a group of scientists was published yesterday in Astronomy & Astrophysics. The star of "GJ 357 d" is about 1/3 the size of our sun. and is about 40% colder. It is 31 light years from the constellation of Hydra.

The newly discovered system contains a total of 3 exoplanets (note: an exoplanet is a planet orbiting a star other than the Sun, belonging to another planetary system) we have enough temperatures to allow the water to circulate in the planet. At the same time, the temperature is also suitable for life, as we know it on Earth.

Scientists have discovered a planet similar to Earth on which life could be
Source: Youtube (NASA Goddard)

"It's exciting, because it's the first super-planet close to Earth to hide life," says Lisa Kaltenegger, Cornell astronomer and member of NASA's TESS science team, which adds: "… and was discovered with TESS (editorial note: satellite of recognition), during our small mission with very great range"

According to the Cornell team, that he could actually hide life.

"The planet GJ 357d could contain liquid water like the Earth in its dense atmosphere, and with binoculars online we could find signs of life," says Kaltenegger.

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