Scientists say early hunting instincts turned into night-time Internet searches


BRATISLAVA, July 25 ( – Most people eat most of the food seven o'clock in the evening, according to the BBC, based on a study of people's activity on the Internet

The scientists focused on when people

They found that in all countries the greatest activity took place on the seventh night and in the United Kingdom, in the United States, in Canada, Australia and India. the next morning. This shows how congenital human behavior has been transferred to the Internet environment. The data collected by biologists from the University of Aberdeen will be published by the Royal Society

Despite the great cultural differences between the countries studied, scientists noted a remarkably symmetrical rhythm in foraging on Internet

  Animals, Night

According to Nicholas Alvarad and Tyler Stevenson of the University of Aberdeen, the two peaks mentioned are consistent across the annual seasons and geographical locations. At the same time, they note that the second time, two o'clock in the morning, could raise public health concerns regarding obesity, as eating late at night is associated with recruitment

" Hunting instincts became nocturnal. Internet. It's not so much hunting and hunting, but rather hunting and googlenie, " closes the BBC

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