Scientists want to pulverize the Earth to prevent global warming


Our planet has changed dramatically in the last decade. Climate change is already threatening the future of a million people today and in the most striking scenario, as well as the whole of our civilization. The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been speaking for 12 years. About 12 years in which we must do everything in our power to avoid a catastrophic scenario. One of the most daring, distorted and radical answers in the world of science is essentially chemtrail.

Fans of the popular conspiracy theory, who talk about the "power" that they control with the help of chemtrails, the weather, or the spread of disease on the planet, are probably delighted. Their imagination to influence natural processes can, at least theoretically, become a reality in the future. Scientists from Harvard University and Yale University have proposed a radical solution to global warming. Sun and Earth Spray with chemicals.

Photo: Illustration (Pexels)

Planetary and Sun Spray

The response to global warming in the world, where we can not abandon activities and things that engulf the planet's atmosphere, is a possible answer to geoengineering. This advanced industry provides an interesting theory that will not solve the problem of global warming but that could be overcome successfully. By breaking the sun and cooling the planet with appropriate chemicals directly into the Earth's atmosphere.

Technologies do not exist yet, nor are studies evaluating the positive and negative aspects of the process. The chart is only the concept of an idea that seems crazy, although it may help. Aerosol injection into the stratosphere, as the process calls it, involves releasing appropriate chemicals into the Earth's stratosphere. The chemicals would "shine" (without shading the sun) the sun and cool the planet, respectively. prevent further warming. If you find that this is not natural, know that a similar process occurs when the volcano explodes when sulfur enters the atmosphere. "Spread the Earth" should provide special tankers, balloons or projectiles fired into the atmosphere by military forces.

Photo: Illustration (Pexels)

Advantages vs. against

The biggest benefit of aerosol injection into the stratosphere is apparently clear to everyone. Mankind would put an end to global warming, which will most likely be a huge global problem in this century. The second advantage of this hypothetical idea is its price. The authors estimate that operating the system would cost about 3 billion euros and that its operating cost would not exceed 2 billion euros per year. From an economic point of view, the project is more than achievable in the case of international cooperation.

Photo: Illustration (Maxpixel)

The disadvantage of the project lies in the current nonexistent technologies. However, the authors of the idea, in their study published in Environmental Research Letters, argue that a system of aerosol injection into the stratosphere could become a reality within 15 years. The disadvantage lies in the risks up to then unknown that such a spray could present.

It mainly involves the impact on human health and life of organisms, as well as the reaction of natural natural processes to such an aggressive artificial intervention in the Earth 's atmosphere. Last but not least, the endurance of the project. If humanity had for years undergone chemistry with the planet, the Earth and civilization would no longer have the hope of being saved. The aerosol injection into the stratosphere does not solve the problem of global warming, it is only (if possible) actually ignored.

DailyMail, Gizmondo

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