Second Lieutenant Bukovszky calls on energy companies to comply with the law


Recalls that in municipalities where members of the national minority constitute at least 20%, health information must be indicated, in addition to the official language, in the minority language

Bratislava, July 31 ( TASR) – Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic national minorities László Bukovszky wrote to the largest energy distribution companies to comply with the law on minority languages. In this context, it recalls that in municipalities where members of a national minority constitute at least 20%, information on threats to health, life or property marked in public places in Exception of the official language and minority languages. In this way, objects with increased risk must also be marked. "Recently, we have received a number of complaints from citizens regarding violations of this provision by energy companies," Bukovszky said.

He recalled that a breach is an appropriate offense for which a fine can be imposed from 50 to 2500 euros.

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