shocking revelation of the assassin Manchestru: Three years before the massacre, he rescued her from Libya


Scandal in Britain: Secret Service Involved in the Torture and Kidnapping of September 11 Suspects

Salman Abedi, along with his brother Hashem, fought in Libya and was among over 100 British citizens put on security . Photographs published by departmental officials at the time showed how the group is aboard HMS Enterprise. Hashem is currently in prison in Tripoli

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The presence of young men has also been confirmed by their family friends in Libya: " The Royal Navy sent them to Malta " said the l & # 39; one of them.After landing on the island, the couple flew to Manchestru, where they were formerly.Salman continued his study of business management at the University of Salford before becoming radical and his fanaticism culminated in the suicide bombing of last year

  Shocking revelation of the murderer

Source: police [19659004]

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Source: Police

Bratovia Abediovci traveled between Manchester and Tripoli because their parents Ramadan and Samia from England returned to Libya at the time of the outbreak of the revolution in 2011. Ramadan reportedly fought the Gaddafi regime in the Islamic unit. It is not certain whether the sons sided with their father or spent time with their mother in neighboring Tunisia

  Shocking revelations about the murderer

Source: FB

When Libya broke out of the civil war, they were on vacation in the countryside the two brothers. British officials then offered their citizens the evacuation of an unstable country. The highest sources of security pointed out that they did not believe that Salman was in a period of salvation. That would happen later by watching videos on YouTube and reading terrorist documents on websites

  Shocking Revelation of the Murderer

Source: FB

"He was a British citizen, so our job was to protect him.Salman was one of the many people in the group and we had to evacuate him, not to that time, and it was in a completely different context, "said the source.Other sources, however, say that Salman was actively involved in the revolution

At the time of Rescue, more and more brutal battles took place between the various militias over the control of the Tripoli airport and dozens of fighters were killed.The British citizens drove in small vessels from the port of Tripoli aboard the HMS Enterprise, a survey ship with routine deployment in the Mediterranean The group also had two Irish citizens and a German It is not known if the flights to the United Kingdom were paid by the British government [19659020]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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