Shoemakers of the Czech Republic who survived the Chinese windfall come to life


Bohemian shoemakers have many memories when a pair of shoes from China was imported for 35 crowns (1.36 euros). It was not socialism, but ten years ago. However, the traditional industry that has suffered long-term Chinese exports is still breathtaking.

Bohemian shoemakers face foreign competition. Customers who want the quality but also the cost of service in China help them, says According to data from the Czech Shoe and Leather Association (ČOKA), in 2012, a pair of shoes from China was imported into the Czech Republic for an average of 59 crowns.

Last year, the price was more than three times. Distributors bought a pair for 194 CZK. Shoe production in the Middle Ages is growing faster than in Vietnam and in other Asian countries. This is the result of shoe companies that have maintained their production in the Czech Republic.

"No doubt, it helps.I have already said that this trend was to happen, and it's only a matter of time when prices are almost equal," Jaroslav said. Navratil, director of Moledo, who produced 160,000 pairs of Prestige shoes last year, Although this traditional producer of Zlín has figures at the level of previous years, he speaks of success.

Dear Asians and Europe

"Which of the European manufacturers will survive this time will have a great chance of success for a long time," he added. "In the past, the speeches of the greatest painters of shoes in the Czech Republic spoke of cheap China." Although the Asian country still dominates with 39 million pairs of shoes per year, imports into the Czech Republic fell sharply. Five years ago, it was twice as high.

China is now partly replacing somewhat more expensive shoes from other Asian countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia, but also shoes from Poland or Germany. "Many customers are returning to quality Czech shoes and reselling them to their retailers." Especially in the segments of children's footwear and health, this trend is striking, "says Coca-Cola in the directory.

There is growing interest in Czech walking, working and safety shoes. "Bohemian shoes are better, but only in the future crisis," says Jaroslav Palat, co-owner of Prabos.

For the Army

The largest Czech manufacturer of work and military shoes carries the interest of companies for quality work shoes but also for state orders. A quarter of its turnover of about 330 million CZK represents deliveries to the Czech army. From the corporate sector, its important customers are Škoda Auto or ČEZ.

The company is currently trying to strengthen the leisure footwear segment, which accounts for only a few percent of its turnover. This shoe should be the basis of an e-shop. "We do not want to go to ordinary shops, we see the future online," he added.

Prabos is one of the largest shoe manufacturers in the Czech Republic with a production of 250 thousand pairs a year. The shoes are assembled at the plant in Slavičín, but some of the stems is imported from India and another from its factory in Ukraine that it enlarges. Raw materials, especially leather, are also imported from Germany and Italy.

This is nothing unusual. The skin processors have disappeared with a substantial part of the once dominant shoe industry. The trend of this era is made to measure by Czech designers, but also shoes barefoot or bare boots. Some small businesses started manufacturing them.

Botasky daruje

Another Czech retro brand, Botas de Skutč in the Pardubice region, last year's sales rose by 8% due to larger orders of collectible shoes and footwear. American hockey.

Interest in botasca grows in Spain and Germany, where new ski boots are well taken. In addition to online sales, Czech exports are one of the main means of growth. The Czech market of 10 million euros is relatively small. Last year, the Czechs bought 3.5 pairs of boots and this number has not changed much

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