Shooting at the Los Angeles supermarket has a 28-year-old conscious man


At the time of the hostage, 40 to 50 people were in the store.

A 28-year-old man has a conscience in a supermarket in Los Angeles, who claimed a victim and at least six wounded. After three hours of negotiations with the police, he resigned and was detained, according to DPA.

Initial reports indicated that he was a teenager, reported the CNN news agency. The suspect man first shot his old mother and then another young woman. In front of the building, he fired several times and then burst into a crowded supermarket where he haggled and many people took hostages, Los Angeles police said on Twitter's social network. At that time, 40 to 50 people were in the Los Angeles Times magazine

Three-Hour Negotiations

One of the newspaper's witnesses said that "bullets were flying everywhere, before and through the parking lot."

Customers immediately went out of the store and the police surrounded the building. During the three-hour drama, a few people came out of the supermarket with their hands over their heads. CNN reported that several employees had stumbled through the rear window on a chain ladder.

After a three-hour agreement with the police, the armed man returned. According to CNN, a woman was born in the supermarket and six other people aged 12 to 81 were hospitalized for injuries. In the case of a victim, according to media reports, an employee of a supermarket had been working there for four to five years.

The attacker himself was injured in the left arm during a shot. The old mother of a man who shot at least seven times was in critical condition after the operation, the Los Angeles Times reported

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