Sklenaříková in the embrace of Seala singer


Slovenka im ukradla šou! Knieža Albert II. (60) and Charlene (40) were the biggest stars of the 70th Gala of the Jubilee Red Cross monk. Adriana Sklenaříková (46), one of the presenters, was blinded.

Adriana came with her husband, entrepreneur André Ohanian. She chose long red dresses in which she was unpredictable. Almost all the time he held his belly in which he was carrying his first baby.

One of the guest artists who hired guests was the British singer Seal (55). He was married to Heidi Klum, and so he can say that he has a soft spot for beautiful models. He also presented to Slovakia, which he invited on the stage during the performance (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if ( f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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