Slovak actor and director Martin Huba celebrates his 75th birthday


Bratislava, July 16 (TASR) – Martin Huba served as the nickname – the aristocrat of the theater, with his slender figure, gentle performance and ongoing cooperation on quality projects. A 25-year-old Slovak actor attracted people to L + S Studio with a concert by Martin Porubjak. In the Slovak National Theater (SND), 242 unambiguous performances led to the production of Tančiareň, which he had prepared during the course. On Monday, July 16th, the actor is 75 years old.

His actor Nicholas Huba and opera singer Maria Kišonová-Hubová were born on July 16, 1943 in Bratislava. He graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) from his hometown in 1964. He started playing with the Slovak State Theater in Košice.

Returning to Bratislava from 1967, he became a member of the entire Corsa Theater, where he worked until his closure in 1971. "The theater on the bodice was a phenomenon strange, an extraction of the time with a new theatrical poetry and a burgeoning public " in an interview for

In 1976 he obtained an engagement in the SND Činohra. He visits Prague and Brno.

Since the 1990s, he has been involved in theatrical direction. "I headed for desperation, the actor is a very dependent profession, and I started to ruin the fact that I sometimes had to take responsibility for something with which I am not the artist explained why he also decided for this profession Martin Huba directed Činohra and Opere SND Bratislava as part of the Summer Shakespeare Festival in Prague.

He played in Slovak and Czech films, we mention just a few – Javor and Juliana (1972), Weapons, Kuruc (1974), The return of the magician (1976), Fany (1995), Chicken Melancholik (1999), We need (2000), I served the king of England (2006) 3 seasons in hell (2009) .He also did tricks in television productions, television movies and movies. serial publications.

Greater opportunities from the mid-1980s are provided by the Czech cinema scene. The offers of Czech filmmakers for the cooperation of the artist are welcome. "They defended me as the first in the beginning of my business, they encouraged me and drew attention to me, I'm glad I'm in the Czech space where I am, "recalled Huba .

In the television series of the Czech centuries (2013-2014), where the director Robert Sedláček looks back at the main events of Czech history from the point of view of their main actors, Huba plays the role of TG Masaryk up to In 1918 before becoming president.

In the movie Kawasaki Rust (2009) directed by Jan Hřebejk, he created the character of a renowned psychiatrist, a moral authority, to mark an important state prize on the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of the republic. The Czech critic appreciated the Hubbest masterpiece, especially the credibility and humanity of his character

Hero is also tackled by the people of the street who know him "The last time I went to Prague and the dumpers stopped the car and jumped out of the car and gave me the words of gratitude as the character of the Liar in the movie I served the King of England. " added a dramatic artist

The State Opera repertoire in Banská Bystrica has added a new production of October 14, 2016 to a repertoire of l & # 39; 39; Banská Bystrica National Opera, Puccini's Tosca, directed by Martin Hubu, who made his debut on the opera stage in Banská Bystrica. What is more interesting is that the opera singer Maria Kišoňová-Hubová has excelled in this opera for years.

The actor has won numerous awards for his actor. In 1983 and 1986, he received the award of the Association of Slovak Dramatic Artists for theatrical production. The award for the best male actress of the season was given the role of Ževakina in the production of Ženba in 1997 in the drama of the SND. In 2001, he won the Prika in the SND for Tanec's director at SND, winning the award in September 2007 as the best male actress in Popol's production and Christopher Hampton's passion. The Czech Lion is one of the best male actors in a minor role in the film Jirí Menzel I Served the King of England, which became the most successful Czech film of 2006.

Václav Havel, President of the Czech Republic on January 29, 2003 the last visit abroad of the President of the Czech Republic in Bratislava has awarded the State Decoration of the Czech Republic – Medal for Merit of Grade I for artistic results exceptional. At the Trencin International Art Film Festival, the Jubilee was awarded in June 2013 for the recognition of his talent – a replica of the prestigious Herc Mission Award and placed a brass table with his name on the bridge of the Festival Park. in Trenčianske Teplice

in the order of the eighth Slovakian actor who received a commemorative tile on the film Walk of Fame in front of the town hall PO Hviezdoslav in Bratislava. It was officially revealed on June 21, 2017.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Slovak Republic, President Andrej Kiska granted Jan Martin Hubau the 1st class for his extraordinary merits for development of Democracy and Protection of Human Rights in Slovakia

Martin Huba also is engaged in politics. From 9 June to 27 August 1990, he was a member of the Slovak National Council (SNR) for Public Violence Against Violence (VPN)

From 16 October 2005 to 15 April 2006, he was appointed director of SND Drama. He is a member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Academy

He has two daughters with his wife Dagmar Hubová

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