Slovak agriculture has slightly increased its profits, but workers in this sector have


BRATISLAVA, July 15 ( – According to preliminary data, Slovak agriculture has achieved a positive result for the year 2017, pre-tax profit of 60.2 million Czech crowns. euros. Compared with 2016, its level has increased slightly by 11.5 million.

The number of agricultural workers decreased

The year 2017 was more positive than the previous year, but also with the five-year average from 2012 to 2016 and the third highest since 2000. [19659004] The Farmer, Agriculture ” am-card-image=”top” data-lazy-srcset=”×54.jpg 81w,×451.jpg 676w,×512.jpg 768w,×661.jpg 992w,×107.jpg 160w,×208.jpg 312w,×448.jpg 672w,×80.jpg 120w, 1272w” sizes=”(max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px” data-dominant-color=”#f2e7b6″/>

This is reported in the report on Agriculture and Food Industry in the RS for 2017. This document is prepared annually by Research Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics

The green report in 2017 reached 47.7 thousand people in agriculture. people, 4.8% less than the year before. Last year, the negative foreign trade balance of agri-food products in the Slovak Republic reached 1.4 billion.

The most expensive eggs

Other data from the Green Report show that the increase in prices of agricultural products in 2016 reached 4.7% last year. For crop production products, the increase was 4.4% and in animal products 5.5%. The largest increase in crop prices was observed in cereals (7.5%) and animal products in broiler chicken eggs (34.0%) and raw cow's milk (11.0%)


A report on agriculture and food processing in the RS for 2017 was submitted to interdepartmental commenting procedures in early July 2018.

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