Slovak students prepare a demonstration against the Russian gang Night Wolves


The student initiative calls a protest rally next Friday in front of the Ministry of the Interior. Opponents are also preparing supporters of the wolves of the night in front of the Russian Embassy.

( Updated at 18:49 )

The student initiative #niejenamtoo is preparing a protest against the Russian biker group Night Wolves. Timothy Lauko, one of the members of the initiative, told Timothy Lauko, one of the members of the initiative

that the group of students is watching with caution the information published on the Russian biker group Night Wolves. , who stressed this issue, was a member of us, and we also decided to express our civic attitude and to organize a public meeting. We want him to call the right people to take this issue seriously, "he says.

Heavy Military Technology

According to him, night wolves are a paramilitary motorcycle unit known and directly supported by the Kremlin. "Similarly, this bunch of bikers are verbalising members who, along with pro-Russian separatists, are fighting against our eastern neighbors in Ukraine," said the representative of the initiative. According to the police presidency, the situation is monitored and is not considered a potential threat, the machines do not fight the fire and no law is violated, "says student activist

again convinced that the spaces look remarkably like the shooting range. other. "Mr. Hambalek, head of the Night Wolfs in Slovakia and a good friend of former Interior Minister Róbert Kaliňák, is on vacation and the problem of fighting technique in his object is not seen" he says.

Disagree with Kaliňák

The initiative does not endorse the attitude of Róbert Kaliňák, who said for the media: "This is a brutal hysteria around Such parks, where military technology is stationed, would be found more in Slovakia. "

" If we do not speak high enough now, such threats will become a norm in Slovakia, "he argues again. with a representative of the protesting students. On behalf of the initiative, he invites all citizens to come and express their disapproval of such an object on the territory of the Slovak Republic

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"Together, let's show that the security of our country is not stolen," he says. The start of the protest is scheduled for Friday 27 July in front of the Ministry of the Interior at 17:00.

Counter Attack of the Night Wolves

The action "Solidarity with the Night Wolves" is organized by students. The preliminary agreements are convened on Friday, July 27 at 18:00, in front of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Slovakia

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