Slovak talent in the list of the best young footballers in Europe: it motivates me


<img src = "" width = "298" alt = "Matej Oravec" Matej Oravec "
Matej Oravec

Matej Oravec

Matej Oravec was born in the Czech Republic The Golden Boy 2018 European Champion is a young defender of Spartaka Trnava in French Kylian Mbappé, who was an important member of the Blues at triumph of the 2018 World Cup.

Oravca, 20, was pleased with his inclusion in this prestigious poll. "I did not expect it because I only played twelve matches in the last season. I am happy to arrive at this ranking. It motivates me to work on myself. I believe that I can reach a level such as Mbappé or other players who participated in this nomination. All my friends, my family and my friends have written and congratulated me. I really like to congratulate my grandmother for being my biggest fan. He looks at football in the world and appreciates it. I was happy to be proud of myself " Oravca quoted the portal of

The" little Rome "native entered Spartak in the new season until here only in the first Champions League Champions League retaliation match Zrinjski Mostar of Bosnia and Herzegovina after the replacement of Erika Grendela in the 78th minute

FC Spartak Trnava Matej Oravec

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