Slovak volleyball players in preparation overcame Cameroon


Poprad, July 27 (TASR) – Slovakian volleyball players entered the play of preparation before qualifying for the success of the 2019 European Championship. In the unofficial interstate match of Friday in Poprad, they won 3: 1 against Cameroon. With the African participants in the world championships in September, they will also meet under Tatra Saturday at 18:00

The Slovaks led 2: 1 on the sets and the fourth they played five points, but they shot in the end and the last event won 25:21. The most outstanding player of the Slovak team was the universal Peter Michalovič, a Filip Mačuha blockbuster graduate in senior jersey.

Next week, Andrey Kravarik will play three preparatory duels in Estonia and the qualifying championship of the European Championship will be hosted twice in Nitra, Austria. and August 11th.

In mid-August, the Slovaks will start fighting to progress to the next European Championship. Group C favorites start Wednesday (August 15th) in Nitra against the Icelanders (6 pm). Four days will be presented in the city of Black Sea Bar (20:15). There will be two games against Moldova – August 22 in Nitra (18:00) and August 26 in Chisinau (16:00 CET). The national meetings of the SR will broadcast Digi Sport, the broadcasts will also bring Internet TV In early January, Slovak volleyball players are still waiting for a home game against Montenegro (5th or 6th) and a last in Iceland (9th).

The Slovaks have missed the final MEE tournament since 2007. The championship will enter the winners of seven groups and quintet

Slovakia – Cameroon 3: 1 (20, -26, 21, 21)
The match lasted: 103 minutes,

Zaťko 0, Patak 11, Krajčovič 9, Michalovič 16, Lux 14, Kohút 6, liberá Kubš and 250 spectators. Vitko (Mačuha 0, Ihnát 0, Jančura 0, Mlynarčík 1, Ludha 4, Firkaľ 3). Coach: A. Kravárik

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