Slovakia rejects migration pact: Bugar attack on Smoker for Lajčák


Members continue their 38th session today. At the extraordinary vote, they approved a resolution of the SNS workshop. Lajčák still insists on his remarks about the resignation, but Pellegrini said yesterday that he would do everything in his power to stay in office. Nationalists are convinced that we will automatically participate in supporting the pact.

Parliament approves the proposal to amend the Global Compact. Subsequently, MEPs endorsed the IEC's resolution on the UN's non-pact document. There was applause in the room. The resolution does not forbid our diplomacy to go to a conference in Marrakech.

But now it is unclear whether Lajčák will remain Foreign Minister.

VIDEO Opinion Towards a global pact

VIDEO Statement by Béla Bugar on the Global Compact

VIDEO Declaration of SNS to the pact

Updated 13:57 Fico did not answer the question of how he reacted to Dank's comments that he wanted to rectify Lajcak's words and return to the diplomatic dictionary. "You know, I'm an old harp and you know you can not answer that question," he said.

Slovakia rejected the pact

Source: Topky / Maarty

Updated 13:56 Fico will not interfere with the government's decision. "We argue that migration as such is dangerous for Europe", said Fico. "I respect Mr. Lajcak," he stated that Lajčák was the president of the UN General Assembly at the birth of the document and that he was getting closer to it. "No matter how these technical problems are handled, I hope that Slovakia has not failed and has entered the regions that reject this insane pact and that Minister Lajčák remains in his place", he said.

Updated 13:51 "The protection of the borders is one of the fundamental obligations of the State", said Robert Kaliňák.

Slovakia rejected the pact

Source: Topky / Maarty

Updated 13:50 Fico wants Lajčák to remain as Foreign Minister.

Updated 13:48 Migration has brought terrorism to Europe. "According to Fico, there is no human right to economic migration", said the head of Smer.

Updated 13:46 According to Fico, this document is dangerous because it does not make the difference between legal migration and illegal migration. "It is particularly dangerous to talk about migration as a small thing, to say that it is innovative and prosperous, we have another experience of migration in Europe", stated that the pact was at odds with migration policy and the interests of both the RS and the EU.

Slovakia rejected the pact

Source: Topky / Maarty

Updated 13:43 Fico started with the two strategic orientations of the Smer party. "We want Slovakia to be in no way affected by the indisputable way and not by the global compact." The second strategic interest is that Miroslav Lajčák, as a diplomat, will remain Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic. technical details make me angry, " he said. Fico

Updated the 13:25 The Bugar calls into question the direction of the US Administration's report on the Lajcak

If he had attacked the minister of Most, he would have intervened much louder. "Unsatisfied with what will be the moon, what will be tomorrow?" answers the question of how he would react if Fica had suggested Fly to Lechacky. It's a hypothetical question.

Slovakia rejected the pact

Source: Topky / Maarty

If the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miroslav Lajcak, decides that it is not logical to maintain the government, the foreign policy of Slovakia will be questioned. Changing foreign policy can jeopardize the coalition. Regarding the negotiation of the UN Global Compact in Marrakesh, Bugar said that Slovakia had to interpret its reservations and obtain them in the minutes.

Slovakia rejected the pact

Source: Topky / Maarty

Updated 12:31 Danko or his party will not support any recall of Lajčák. According to him, this is the responsibility of management and would constitute a violation of the coalition agreement, which would lead to the collapse of the government.

Slovakia rejected the pact

Source: Topky / Maarty

Updated 12:26 Andrej Danko called on Prime Minister Pellegrini to make a correction to Minister Lajcak's statements. As part of Lajčák stated that "From the reality of breaking down a leader of organizations like the UN" they do not realize how much people see migration. "They do not realize that today, people have enough information to know about it," he said. he said. At the same time, he criticized the UN for failing to prevent local conflicts.

Updated 12:21 According to Danka, the IEC has a clear attitude towards the global compact.

Updated 12:19 He again stated that the newspaper articles did not inform either the government or parliament and that everyone was waiting for a test in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Slovakia rejected the pact

Source: Topky / Maarty

Updated 12:17 Mr. Danko said that the fact that the deputies deal with issues such as the change of time and not for example the digital space is a mistake. He hacked the team in digital media and social networks.

Updated 12:15 "There are 150 deputies in the House, they have their own mandate that has taken off.Nobody can afford to question the parliament.It is an unusual situation, but it is also the case in Italy, and I would like to say that I am very happy that Slovakia is especially reaching out to its neighbors, " Danko said.

Slovakia rejected the pact

Source: Topky / Maarty

Updated 12:13 Danko thanked the MP

"First of all, I want to say, as President of the National Council, that I want to thank the deputies for their vote during their vote" the head of the SNS said.

Updated 12:11 Danko to reject the pact. "Let me say with pride that Slovakia has joined the countries that rejected the global pact", he said at the beginning.

Andrej Danko

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková.

Updated 12:06 At 1 pm, Katarína Cséfalvay, chair of the foreign affairs committee of the National Council of RS, Mosta Béla Bugár, also announced the press.

Updated 11:25 IEC announced a press conference on the Global Compact at 12:30. Andrej Danko and SNS deputies Jaroslav Paška and Tibor Bernajak will participate in the bingo.

Updated 11:22 Lajčák is currently at the meeting of V4 ministers. Then he should go to Parliament for question time.

Updated 11:20 The CBS and the CSS have helped to resolve the UN Migration Treaty, and we are a family. Most Mosta-Hid and SaS MPs voted in favor of the vote.

Slovakia rejected the pact

Source: NRSR

NRSR calls on the government to reject the Global Compact on Migration

The Government of the Slovak Republic must adopt a disagreement with the United Nations Global Compact on Migration. It must also take appropriate steps to remove the RS from the procedure of receiving a document at a high-level government meeting to be held in Morocco on 10 and 11 December. It is called for by Parliament in the SNS and Smer-SD resolutions, which were approved by 90 votes in Thursday's vote.

Call to Andrey Danko

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

The resolution also states that the United Nations Global Compact on Migration is not in line with the security and migration policy of the Slovak Republic. He also underlined the sovereignty of Slovakia on migration policy. "The RS is fully sovereign in defining its own national migration policy" make a resolution. Illegal economic migration is, according to the document, a negative phenomenon, posing also security risks, in a national, regional and global context. Slovakia, according to its resolution, supports the solution of the causes of migration in the countries of origin.

"No migration document can be interpreted as limiting the sovereign power of the RS to decide who to consider as a legal migrant and who is an illegal migrant and who gives them the right to reside on its territory" it is written in the resolution of the Parliament. According to the document, Slovakia also reserves the right to adopt migration legislation exclusively in accordance with its national migration policy. At the same time, he continues to insist on the rejection of the compulsory quota policy.

There is no reason to resign from Lajčák

The possible departure of Miroslav Lajcak for the rejection of the majority of the coalition at the United Nations Global Compact on Migration is an unnecessarily exploded topic, which was created solely as a result of journalistic problems. On social networks, Vice President Smeru-SD and Interior Minister Robert Kaliňák said this. "I do not understand the resignation of Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčak, linked to the Marrakesh Convention, there is no absolute reason to resign from Minister Lajcak", the exminister said on the social network.

Robert Kaliňák

Source: TASR – Martin Baumann

The hostess must get up

Ministers do not like the fact that the IEC insists in particular that no Slovakian national participated in the Moroccan negotiations in December. Nationalists are convinced that we will automatically participate in supporting the pact. According to Lajcak, however, there is no point in deporting diplomats from the negotiating table.

It also prevents the boyfriend when the information about the pact is misinterpreted. "That remains my reason to stay upright when I discover who is the UN's internal expert in the field, who talks about things he has no idea about. That offends my rationality and my integrity as a person, I have defined my red lines and wait for things to develop ", he added, adding that he still admitted his resignation.

Foreign Minister's resignation will hurt Slovakia's credit

If Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák, responsible for Slovakia's position on the UN Global Compact, decided to resign, according to the president of Most-Híd Béla Bugar, the credit of the Slovak Republic would have been seriously damaged.

Slovakia rejected the pact

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

"They see him as an experienced diplomat, I do not say we do not have more experienced diplomats, but Mr. Lajčák is well written abroad", said Bugar. "This is, in my opinion, far more dangerous than the question of going to or coming to Marrakech.We can lose credit abroad and it is a dangerous thing", he said. The Bugar Global Compact is not legally binding and its support would not be detrimental to Slovakia.

SNS believes the Prime Minister

The IEC is ready to support the Government 's draft amendment to the Global Compact, and expressed confidence in the Prime Minister' s commitment to the word. Nobody in Slovakia will participate in the negotiations on the Marrakech package. Comments on the pact should be submitted by Slovakia in writing. According to the IEC, Slovakia seems to be adding to the countries that will not participate in the implementation of the global compact. First Vice-President of the CPS, Jaroslav Paška, said at the press conference.

Members of the SNS, Anton Hrnko,

Source: TASR – Jakub Kotian

He did not say if the IEC would leave the coalition if the Prime Minister did not keep the word. "After consultation with the Smer party, we agreed that this new direction could be to support the amendment tabled by the Smer party and, at the same time, we agreed to allow the Prime Minister to also respect what he had announced, that he meets the joint proposal of the Directorate and the CIS, he guarantees that no one will visit Marrakech, nor the ambassador nor the referee, nor anyone in the RS " Pašek said.

Migration is a very serious problem

The current situation, when political parties on both sides of the barricade overwhelm people with half-truths and calculate with the ignorance of their constituents, is certainly not a responsible debate. The OPEN statement stated in the notice.

Discount: John Budaj, Igor

Source: / Ján Zemiar

"We do not want to be part of innovative populist struggles and mutual extortion, so the majority of OLEO voting club MPs will vote on the CSS resolution on the Global Compact of the workshop. Miroslav Lajčák will not participate " the party said. "If sending a representative of the Slovak Republic to Marrakech does not automatically mean our consent to the global compact, we have no reservations about our participation in the discussion of the solution" movement added.

Kollár considers that it is correct if Lajčák has resigned

Miroslav Lajčák, head of the United Nations General Assembly, has created a global pact on migration, which all refuse in Slovakia. It might be just when he resigned. In the Plenary Parliament he was proclaimed President. We are the family of Boris Kollar during the debate. His party does not rule out that if Lajčák does not resign, he will invoke it.

Milan Krajniak and Boris

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

"We reject this pact and therefore we feel bad, how does it look in his eyes when his own country does not support him?" Well, we're probably all crazy, xenophobic and fascist. not " said Kollar, who, like most MPs, denies the global compact. This document reminds Kollar of the salami method.

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