Slovakia was fined one million dollars for landfill. We are already acting, answers envirorezort –


The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that the state had not complied with its previous judgment or the applicable European legislation on landfilling in Žilina

. a fine of EUR 5,000 and a fine of EUR 5,000 per day of delay landfill legislation and previous judgment. Wednesday, July 4, in the second stop Zilina – Považský Chlmec, the Court of Justice of the European Union

the Ministry of the Environment said in response to the judgment that two parts of the discharge had already been closed.

Judgment not yet finalized in 2013

The decision concerning the closure and reclamation of the Považský Chlm landfill was to be made in 2009 in accordance with the European Landfill Directive, but its activity at that time there the authorities extended their authorization by authorizing the creation of a new part of the landfill site. The new part technically fit but was part of an inadequate discharge as a whole, explains Slovak envirorezort in a press release

The European Commission sued Slovakia and the first judgment of the Court of Justice of the 39 European Union fell in 2013.

"In its judgment of 25 April 2013, the Court of Justice ruled that, by authorizing the operation of the discharge of Žilina-Považský Chlmec (Slovakia) without plan of Adaptation of landfills and without a final decision being taken as to whether this discharge can continue to operate on the basis of the approved landfill scheme, the Landgericht has failed to fulfill its obligations under the Landfill Directive,

As the Commission considered that Slovakia still has not adopted the necessary measures to implement the 2013 judgment, in 2016 it decided to to initiate a second action against the Court of Justice of the EU against this decision.

Adequate financial sanctions

"In today's judgment, the Court notes that Slovakia has not taken all the measures necessary to comply with its obligations under of the Directive, to execute the 2013 judgment. On the expiry of the deadline set in the Commission's appeal of 21 January 2014, no definitive decision on the continuation or closure of the landfill site was adopted. "

" The imposition of a penalty payment on Slovakia is therefore a sufficient financial means to ensure the full execution of the judgment in 2013 ", justifies the court

The Court pronounced a sanction of 5 000 EUR for each day of delay in setting with with the judgment of 2013, from 4 July to the day of the full implementation of the decree The jury considered that the non-compliance with the obligations imposed by Slovakia on the Directive "could have an negative "

on the environment and human health". However, he added that "it is necessary to take into account the efforts made by Slovakia to progressively implement the 2013 judgment and to cooperate with the Commission during the pre-litigation procedure"

[19659005] Ministry of the Environment in the press The report indicated that the reopening of the entire landfill took place in 2016. "At that time, the Slovak Environmental Inspectorate (SIŽP) issued an integrated permit for the final closure and rehabilitation of landfills with legal validity from 24 November 2016. However, this decision landfill site. "The ministry has therefore started to draft an amendment to the law on prevention and the integrated pollution reduction, which deals with landfills in undeveloped areas. "The amendment has been in effect since July. And immediately the SIIP made the decision to make a decision on the closure and recovery of the landfill, "said the department in a press release.The ministry argues that the fight against landfill sites has become a priority in 2016. He points out that last year the legislation came into force allowing the granting of a fine of one million dollars for the landfill, landfill operators who do not respect the rules

"The construction of new landfills was stopped. There was a load of plastic bags. A new waste policy is being put in place intensively to pay even more for sorting and recycling. From March 2016 to mid-2018, nearly 170 waste recovery projects were supported by Eurofund, "the Ministry adopted the measures it adopted

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