Slovaks accused in the case of an acid attack against a 3-year-old boy


Denník N

In case of attack by the acid of a 3-year-old boy in Britain, they arrested and accused at least three Slovaks. One of the five inmates is the boy's father, but his identity has not been disclosed.

Five accused of leaving the court. Source – Southwest News Service

The boy's face burned with acid during Saturday's races in Worcester. British police accused them of conspiring to cause serious bodily harm

The boy has already been released from hospital, but the long-term consequences of his injury are not yet known [19659005]

between the ages of 22 and 41. Three of them are Slovak citizens, an Afghan, the fifth arrested man is the father of a boy. His identity was not disclosed by the police in order to protect the privacy of the injured child. The names of the remaining four were published by the British media

. The police refused to comment on speculation that the boy was the subject of a family dispute. However, he does not believe that the attack would be associated with organized crime or that he would be motivated by race. The boy is now protected by the police.

"Our police officers are working hard on the investigation.At the same time, we think it was a rare incident and that there is no greater risk to the public. (similar attacks), "said Inspector Jim Bayliss. Police commander Mark Travis thinks the boy was deliberately attacked, but the motive for the attack is still unclear

London rises in attack

Britain has seen a growing number of attacks in recent years, especially in London. The Interior Ministry plans to toughen the laws on the holding of similar substances in the public and criminal sanction

The government has already limited the trade in sulfuric acid and banned the sale of children

A 47-year-old woman who suffered serious injuries. Police asked potential witnesses to register.

Attacked by acid, he wanted motorcycles

In March, the British court sent a ten-year-old prisoner to a prisoner who had attacked an acid for six people. Derryck John, 17, in one evening last July has scrambled acid on a six-person helmet. He tried to blind his victims so that he could steal their motorcycles. In two cases, the attackers managed to omit it.

John to his victims came with another person on the moped, hit him through the cameras of the pumping station where he took his post. However, if John did not admit it and the court considered him adult, the young man would have been punished by a judge not 10 and a half years but 22 years behind bars. (thu, afp, guard, bbc, metro, sun, evening standard)

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