Smooth Plans by Viktor Orbán: He sketched out his vision of Central Europe


According to MTI, the Prime Minister declared the end of the hundred years of loneliness of Hungarians. "We are strong again, determined and smelly, we have the money and the necessary resources", points out . Orban noted that in recent years, Hungary has confirmed to its neighbor that its cooperation with Hungary is beneficial. The Hungarian Prime Minister has proposed linking their motorways and energy networks, building a high-speed railroad and reconciling their defense policy with the development of the armed forces.

The Prime Minister recalled that his government had a mandate to build a new era. He appreciated the support of foreign Hungarians in the elections and scored a significant result of the fact that Hungarian citizenship – within the framework of the simplified attribution of citizenship – already counted one million Hungarians living abroad [19659005OrbánagaincriticizedEuropeanleaderswhoabletoprotectEuropefromimmigrationTheonlyjointjointthemepossibleoftheEuropeanparliamentaryelectionsnextyearwastheissueofthePrimeMinister'simmigration" If Europe is to decide on immigration, it will also decide on the European elite and if the current EU immigration leadership is right" , pointed out . Elections to the European Parliament will continue, in his words, to continue the progressive destruction of Christian Europe and the Europe of nations

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