Snow and wind sealed the mountain pass for truckers


The trucks had problems with the Vernier at night.

Heavy snowfall and high winds are at the origin of the first problems on the roads of eastern Slovakia. The responsible for the administration and maintenance of roads in the region of Poprad, Marián Barilla for TASR, said that until the end of the call, the Vernár pass is closed to trucks .

"There is still a lot of snow on the road and a strong wind is blowing in. The trucks had problems at night and continued during the day, so we decided, with the traffic police, to respond to the problem. 39, call until they are closed for the transport of goods, "Barilla said.

He added that roads in the Tatier region are mostly wet and have not yet reported any problems. In the past 24 hours, 22 greaseers have pumped 637 kilometers of roads and other sections have been modified with a chemical or inert material.

"We are continually adapting our paths throughout the day, with more performances in the south of the region, and we expect the wind and snow conditions to stop in the afternoon," added Barilla. .

They risked summer tires

Traffic accidents at the exit, in which drivers were unable to drive on a snowy or slippery road, also met firefighters in the area. "The night has been peaceful and we have had five road accidents in the area since morning, and there was nothing extraordinary in terms of property damage, minor accidents, seemingly irresponsible drivers and tires. summer, "said the TASR operational manager at the Regional Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Brigade in Prešov.

Motorists on social networks reported, for example, an accident between Kežmarok and Stará Ľubova, the car being off the road. According to a video on the Internet, several vehicles fell on the Podhorany in Kežmarok district more than an hour ago.

In the past 24 hours, travelers have traveled more than 2,400 kilometers of roads throughout the Prešov region, including the districts of Bardejov, Poprad, Prešov, Stará Ľubovňa and Svidník. With inert equipment, they moved about 1,400 kilometers of roads and chemically altered nearly 3,000 kilometers.

According to Jaroslav Štofko of SÚC PSK, 78 vehicles were installed on the ground. Currently, the situation is calm, the roads are generally wet. At the Podspády, Branisko, Desert Field and High Tatra mountain passes, one can find depressed diapers or melting snow within three centimeters.

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