So his first wife broke his business that she had committed suicide!


Some of the giants of Slovak theater played with a talent as versatile as František Zvarík († 87). The boards of our first scene have had his famous performances in dozens of opera and theater productions, or in the Oscar film The Shop on the Corset. His private life was not so "famous" …

František Zvarík was born on 17.07.1921 in Vrútky. From 1945 to 1956 he worked in the SND Operetta, since 1956 he was a member of the Senate of the SND . In 1939 he studied at the SND as a student and became a member of the Slovak National Theater Theater until 1940. He performed in the Tančiareň performance before the end of the year. year 2007. For more than 60 years, he created nearly 200 characters in the SND – theater and opera, performing in radio programs. He was also known as a singer and performer of Slovak folk songs. In 1992, he became an honorary citizen of the city of Vrútky

  František Zvarík in an archive photo with his son Jan and his granddaughter Lucia Zvarikova

František Zvarík on a photo of archive with his son Ján and his granddaughter Lucie Zvarikova.

Photo: Archives L. Z.

Women loved all life

As we know, in addition to the theater, Zvarík still had two great passions: women and painting . Thanks to the second, there was a unique collection of paintings, which was still waiting for its premiere before the public was hidden in its villa in Bratislava "Just as in singing and painting was Ferko samorast. did not study the art, but he had it in his blood " saw in the past for the weekly weekend Plus 7 DAYS Eva Krížiková on the past -time husband

When Zvarík came to Bratislava he went to live with fellow actor František Dibarbor.But it was a fatal mistake . When Dibarborova wife of Anna Bott, daughter of the poet Ivan Kraska falls in love with the sublet of František, her husband leaves the apartment, agrees to divorce, his successor can marry his mistress From their love came the son of John, who celebrated a few days ago the 70th tower Zvarík, cepe ndant, remained faithful to his story of a sukničkára and his wife beat where he could His wife was no longer able to tolerate the nobility of the actor, and [2] years after marriage she reached for life. [19659903] František Zvarík (left) with his mother and his brother "class =" lazyload "data-sizes =" self "data-src =" c & quality = 74 "data-srcset =" 288w, 74 448w, 608w, 800w, https: / / 992w, 1024w, / ipbdaslgso / 1280px /? position = c & quality = 74 1280w, 1440w, position = c & quality = 74 1600w, 1800w, lity = 74 1920w, 2200w "/>

František Zvarík (left) with his mother and brother.

Photo: archive

Ján Zvarík was the only son of František Zvarík and Anička Bottová, daughter of the poet Ivan Kraska and first wife of František Dibarbor. A young mother has committed suicide years after the marriage. Apparently, she was left unharmed by the Zvarík. A noble artist and a famous skirt then married Eva Krížiková. They had a daughter of Barbora, who is now a consul in Moscow

Funeral without sons

last farewell to Frantisek Zvarik († 87 ) in August 2008 . The son of a legendary actor from the first marriage missed the Slovak National Theater and did not even go to the Bratislava crematorium. Death of the father he vraj totally broken Many known people of the closed circle of the family of the late Frantisek Zvarik believed that his son had not come to tell him the last goodbye because of the best relationship with the other woman actor Eva Krížiková . "This is not the case," said Lucia Zvarikova, the granddaughter of this legendary artist. "My father Ján Zvarík did not appear at the public funeral of my grandfather Frantisek Zvarik for reasons of great sadness and unhappy psychic situation after the loss of his father." Other reasons are false, " replied to us by mail.

  Krížiková (left) in the 2013 photo and his half-son Ján Zvarík

Krížiková (left) in the 2013 film and his half-son Ján Zvarík.

Photography: Emil Vaško


See also:

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