Soccer Trainer: Hero, through which he survived


The drama in Thailand has traced the world. Many did not believe that the twelve boys and their trainer, who stammered in a flooded cave, can find and save, but it has happened! The coach of Ekapol Chantawong (25 years old) meditated and reassured the boys. Now he is a hero.

Ekapol, who, with the boys, stuck in the cave, lost his mind. "He taught the boys to meditate", claims his aunt for The Australian. He did not leave the panic and told the boys that everything would be fine.

The national hero now enjoys not only great popularity, but also the fact that the parents of the boys that he put in the cave do not want to pursue. They know that without him, none of the boys would survive . Ekapol has suffered his life. From the age of ten, he was an orphan and in twelve years, his aunt sent him to a Buddhist monastery where he became a monk. (1969004)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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