Someone has intentionally fired a workshop of Slovak sculptors


Why did someone do that? This is certainly what Liptov's Ladislav Kurnota, who has been making wooden toys for years, also wanted to know. An unknown assailant took advantage of the situation when Mr. Ladislav was not at home and deliberately fired at the shop.

Circular saws, lathes, milling cutters, planers, tampers, flexibrines, reels, grinders, saw blades, saws, hardware and many finished products. Everything is gone.

Mr. Ladislav has been living and producing wooden toys and souvenirs for many years. But now, there is no way to continue, because everything has burned. Ladislav is a retired invalid and he is trying to do his job. In addition, he has 9 children and the money that he earns goes especially to his disabled daughter.

The crane was therefore in an unenviable situation. So he turned to ask for help for the right people. You can contribute and help with any amount of account # SK30 0200 0000 0039 6064 6953. Or you can buy one of his toys, which, fortunately, was not in the workshop.

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