Something big in the past threw in uranium, and it changed forever


Where the planets have an equator, Uranus has poles

BRATISLAVA. Almost all the planets of the grid have axes around which they turn, more inclined in one direction

See also: Uranium waits for a cosmic collision, its moons fall

But Uranus, which is finds virtually on the plane of the orbit the tracks around our star. So the poles are where the other planets are assimilated.

According to the team of British scientists, the turquoise gas industry has nothing to do with anything. In the past, even when the solar system was formed, a strange planet struck twice as much as the Earth

Computer simulations also helped uncover other irresponsible secrets of Uranus, including why it was colder than it should be. 19659006] The article is published in The Astrophysical Journal

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Supercomputer scientists made more than 50 simulations, in which they explored how collisions with different large bodies would be reflected in the further development of the planet

. "Uranus has a pivoting axis on the side, essentially perpendicular to other planets." Jacob Kegerreis, lead author of the study, explains in a press release

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