Son of Charnogurski pursues Havana: He offended the Christians and Kuff, the punishment of God is punished!


Ján Čarnogurský Younger today, through the intermediary of his cabinet, filed a criminal notice on Havran for the offense of defamation of nation, race and sentencing. The reason was Havran's comments on the SME Send Kuffu to the Circus in which he publicly defied the Catholic religion, belief, and his representatives with his speeches and allegations. However, Havran's text concerned the controversial practices of the priest Marien Kuff. But insults on other Christians were missing in the text.

He stood against God and Jesus Christ

"The author, appearing under the name of Michael Havran, is slandered in the article of Christianity and Christians. 39, article by Hall of Pride, and bypassing the extremist views of the author on the views of all Christian believers.The author stood up against the God of Christians and against Jesus Christ " written in Carnogur's opinion Even Kuff himself, however, is known for his controversial statements, he described homosexuals as a genocide of a nation.

  Marián Kuffa

Source: SITA / Radoslav Maťaš

The commentary is, according to Čarnogurský, not only immoral, but also illegal. "A crime was committed by his revelation. In addition, in the article, the father worthy of name Marián Kuffa has helped hundreds of people who would probably end up being homeless and stay on the margins of society " is written in the opinion that crows only spread profane hatred against Christianity and Christians. "The author of the defamatory article can only hope that only a strict punishment will be imposed by the government, not the punishment of God. "

 Son of Čarnogurského continues Havrana:

Source: topky

 Son of Čarnogurského continues Havrana:

Source: topky

Havran will not comment

Michal Havran was not aware of the crime. He is currently abroad and will not comment. "I am in September abroad, isolated events and I will not comment on things I do not have information," said for Globe. Čarnogurský did not know the steps of the law firm. [19659907] "Lord Havran writes madness and does not care" [19659904]

  Večera s Havránem

Source: RTVS

Michal Havran published his blog last week on Wednesday. In the commentary, he focused on the controversial Marian Kuff. He points out his greatest controversy, but at the same time stresses that his influence on the parish can have consequences. "People make fun of him, but Kuff's influence on the parishes, the places where they invite him, the way they talk about him and scratch his star, will have fatal consequences for society " .

"Kuffa had finished before, with his apocalyptic pranks on the Turks on the ponies of the Istanbul Convention, and before, by the foolishness of the Gendric dictatorship, then, when he was in skirt with a doll of Dracica dressed for a pagan totem, fascist as a mini-agent.Not yet.There is somewhere from there, " wrote and pointed out that there are many Catholics educated and loving. "It would be a shame to be ashamed of all who saw it."

Kuffa expresses it as al-Baghdad

This is not Christianity, writes Havran. According to him, this is only a psychotic interpretation of the texts of a man who has not read and recognized the text and yet has become an icon of authentic Catholicism. "In fact, he acts as an inflated metaphysical predator who hates the world, hates the human community, is stylizing himself in the position of John the Baptist, and every day evokes in many believers that what he says "It's not the faith of our communities and our parishes, but the crazy pose of a wandering preacher of the late Renaissance preparing people for Christ's early return," wrote.

Ján Čarnogurský ml.

  The son of Čarnogurského continues Havrana:


"Kuffa uses the language of religious terror, expresses it as al-Baghdad, has idolatrous practices evident to shown an affair with a doll in Parliament, because such a vision of spiritual entities resembles the belief of the pagan tribes backward of the times of peoples' withdrawal, and not of the Christianity that shaped this civilization, " says in Havran's comment that Kuffa is ashamed. "Put him in the circus or Gordulic in stand-up, at least you will get love, because he will win you a lot of badness only when you do not you will not be confronted to the legions of the kuffians who will think that Christ is risen from the dead Keep the kindernacistom Dracik toys and claim to be believing Christians. "

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