Sonic pill or useless hysteria before meeting Putin and Trump


Washington, July 7, 2018 (HSP / Photo: TASR / AP-Evan Vucci)

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. Even before, Trump will attend the NATO summit in Brussels on July 11 and 11, and will be on an official visit to Britain on July 13, where he will meet Queen Elizabeth II.

On a photo taken of Russian President Vladimir Putin The President of the United States, Donald Trump

Around the world survives an eventful day: a meeting of two leaders, defended by a powerful and colorful liberal world, will take place . Sunnis and Russians are in a panic: what would happen if Putin and Trump were in agreement? Will it be a disaster, the whole "wall of the sun" that was built by several European and Zairean politicians, analysts and media?

This will be the third meeting of Presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. In this haste, the nervousness and disgust of the upcoming Sunshine Summit have already forgotten that today is "the birthday": the first meeting of the two presidents took place before the 7 th July 2017. It took two hours and 20 minutes and according to US television correspondent NBC News was the longest bilateral meeting of the history of the 20th Summit

Presidents discussed in Hamburg, Germany, where is held the G20 summit. The meeting of Putin and Trump with the participation of Russian diplomat Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson began at the closed door on 16.09. CEST at the Salon Congress Center 14. The topic of their conversation was the situation in Ukraine, Syria, the fight against terrorism and cybercrime and cybersecurity

So much history and "memory data" . And now we give the first pill to our sunscreen, which feel very bad these days. Their whole world was also afraid of the first meeting of Putin and Trump. They also feared that they would agree. And what happened? They followed Trump's sanctions, threats and other annoyances in two countries. A year ago, no fear of sunscreen was satisfied. Normal wise people know that neither the next meeting will be overwhelming and the big changes do not happen. Traces of unnecessary sleep …

The slow boiling point is particularly tense in the neighboring countries of Russia – in the "traditional Russian friends" – in the Baltic countries and in Poland. For example, Polish Secretary of State Anna Maria Anders, during her performance at the Conservative Hudson Institute in New York, expressed concerns about Vladimir Putin. she pointed out that she was not sure that Trump would do her job well. She recalled that the US President was unpredictable, and that is why he could expect anything – even the biggest inconvenience. She expressed fears that Putin is talking to Trump about withdrawing US troops from Poland (is this really naïve?)

Many European and Zaotian politicians have frightened the other assets from the post: just hit the fact that Crimea Russian territory. It would be a disaster for sunscreen. Nothing, we will give him the second pill. Definitely trump ujo jokes. Who will allow him to recognize the annexation of Crimea to Russia? Maybe Trump thinks that the American president is really the Lord and God, but I hope that he is not so naive and inexperienced, and knows what he has. Finally, what happens when he declares he recognizes Crimea for the Russian territory? Nothing.

It's just a statement of Donald Trump's personal opinion. Well, what is he? President? Does this vision of the White House, the US Congress and other institutions? Not by chance. Many things that can promise or just say Trump will only stay in rhetoric and will not work in practice. Donald has skills from here to now. And this should be the third pill for our beloved sunscreens.

Do not laugh, boys and girls, there is no such terrible encounter between Trump and Putin. They meet, argue, joke, "at worst", they agree to negotiate something in the future and come home. They will certainly invent a little pearl to make sure the world does not meet uselessly, but it will be a harmless little thing for liberals, neocons and sunscreens. Nothing will happen.

It is quite clear what Putin is going to do to Trump. He tells her that it is time to end the Cold War and develop mutually beneficial political and economic cooperation. Even the military – in the fight against terrorism. It is also quite clear that Trumnp nods and says that he has a similar opinion. And the practice does not change anything for the moment

Without doubt, Trump will look for ways to future possible deals. Russia will probably have to help stabilize oil and gas prices. He will have to get rid of the Syrian crisis. To leave everything would be definitely wanted to not be too bad on his pants. Even in this case, Trump will need the help of Russia

The biggest pain in the stomach a week will undoubtedly have a pinch of European politicians who will be impatient and worried about Putin's results and Trump. They will also shudder: what if these big dogs were accidentally agreed? What then, with sanctions, threats, rusophobia? Which direction will it be necessary to bark?

Whatever the case may be, but our dear soldiers, liberals, russians and other competent people do not need to be too excited or worried at the moment. The next meeting between Trump and Putin will soon be inscribed in the history of diplomacy as politics. The guys meet, shake hands, chat, tell funny sentences, smile at the cameras and leave. In the best they say that they understood. But again – in practice it means nothing. And soon the Trump will impose new sanctions on Russia …

Friends sunburn, drink water, calm down, you no longer need pills, we have them given more than enough. Meeting Trump and Putin will no longer be a disaster for you. It will not arrive until later. But, as our famous politician says – Sunshine, then …

Eugen Rusnák


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