Sophisticated tips to help you get better: you will lose this way, or you will not know how


Just a few small changes are enough in your life to help you get over the extra pounds and keep the new weight. You are going to be surprised

Are you really trying to be healthier, and yet it does not make any difference on the part of your weight? The answer may be hidden in your kitchen. Our simple, scientifically verified tips make you unobtrusive, unconsciously lead to better decisions, and some of them are so clever that you do not even notice that you are so thin

1. The Best Fork

American Studies at the University of Florida has shown that eating a fork instead of a spoon naturally leads to stress.

2. Eat a red plate

European research confirmed that participants eating a red plate ate up to 40% less well balanced by those who ate a blue or white dish. The Vine study even showed that people drank less sweetened beverages by the poacher, a red straw. It is possible that we associate dangerously in a reddish color, which makes us eat less

  You eat less of the red plate

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You get less of the red plate

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The mirror placed in your kitchen does not only make the room bigger, but eating will make you eat less and it will look less sweet

4. Buying a table

A noisy environment requires us to eat as fast as we can. American studies have shown that eating a soft atmosphere (soft music in the rest, eating nice) makes us live up to 18% less. In addition, scientists have found that, for example, eating at a TV leads us to eat up to 25% more. That's enough, do not you think? So turn off the phone!

5. Just a little bit

If you can, do not keep candies like chocolate, ice cream or ice cream at home. Does this seem impossible to you? Put them at least for a moment, for a high shelf and a bowl that emit sound when it opens. It's boring for you. Instead, put healthy chocolates in beautiful glass containers and put them in the place where you have them in your eyes.

6. Put a tray on the table

The smell of apples or bananas before dinner helps to calm your taste for unhealthy goodness. Psychologists from the University of Burgundy in France revealed that experimenters who initially liked kerchos were more likely to choose fruit dessert as a bolder alternative, such as chocolate brownies

7. Smaller is Better

The University of Cambridge discovered that replacing a smaller plate would save up to 159 kcal per day

8. Do not exceed ratios

Use a spoon and a spoon as a measure. The use of only 1 PL of oil saves up to 100 kcal when preparing your meal or salad as opposed to your eye.

9. Perfume with Wonders

Lighten up the candle with the vanilla flavor. Study at St. Louis George's Hospital has confirmed that the aroma of vanilla reduces the appetite for sweetness. And when nothing else, your kitchen irritates irresistibly.

  The smell of vanilla reduces the appetite for sweetness.

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Vanilla scent reduces the sweet taste.

10 °. Motivate

Rather than tying an image of a far and unreal dummy to your fridge, try sticking an inspired statement, a picture of healthy meals that you advise or your photo when you feel better in your body.

11 Have 2 kinds of cup

Narrow for wide caloric drinks for the water. Jaws are harder to drink, so you'll just be laughing at calories. You will not even know how to drink less. From thirst you will give water in a large cup, where it will be a joy.

12. Use Funnel Handles

Especially in the case of sauces or ready-to-use oils, there is a risk that you get too much into the food. Which also means a lot of extra calories. Attach the funnel to the neck of the bottle, which prevents the contents from escaping.

13. Invest in Crockpot

Maybe you do not want another appliance at home. However, a slow cooker, a healthy meal for you means a healthy meal right after you arrive. In the morning you can do everything you need, and for the moment you are at work, everything will be slow to do it

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