Spaniards rescued 325 migrants | New hour


The Spanish Naval Rescue Service helped 325 people over the weekend, who attempted to reach nine ships across the Mediterranean, from North Africa to Europe.

Rescue Rescue Service rescued 175 migrants from four different ships in the Alboran Sea on Sunday from where they were transported to Almeria on the south coast of Spain. Another 150 people captured five boats on Saturday including a kayak

The number of people traveling to Europe called "

Data from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) show that in Spain, with a short but dangerous path in the Strait of Gibraltar, 15 000 migrants

The Albanian Ministry of Defense reported on Sunday that its deployed military ship in the Aegean Sea in the NATO naval forces captured a group of 41 Syriacs who were attempting to travel to Greece

] A group of ten children and seven women traveled in a motor boat on the island. Greek island of Chios The Albanian patrol vessel Syrchers was transferred to the European Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)

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