Spartaku is in danger of collapse. But the poor will not sell it to the glacier – Other – Football – Sports


Vladimir Poor was a twenty-year-old majority ...

Vladimir Poor is twenty
the majority owner of Spartak Trnava football club.

Author: SITA,
Ivan Kopčáni

The last of the first leaves

He was thinking of leaving the club longer. "They are better and worse
days. It has come to my mind that this thought had come to my mind in the past. Such a big
the club takes a lot of power, it is time and money. But you will
I also realize that I have to find a way to make it economical
he went further, "he said in an interview for The Truth.

The problem of Spartak is the fact that he leaves his old
workers, although its future is not yet clear. "Trnava will not miss
Kosice, "promised Poor, who talks about the entry of new owners and
Until now, the club will manage what is called risk management. Prvoligové mužstvo
should continue the competition well.

The last of the first owners to leave the football scene after
the changing social and economic conditions in the first half of the nineties
years have entered football. He belonged to a group of often controversial people
entrepreneurs who have become owners of big clubs in a short time
wild seasons at the beginning of the independent existence of Slovak football.

Zilina sells players, but is in the least

This solved the critical situation that occurred after the former state
companies have stopped the financial taps and several clubs – even the team
with the most famous tradition – threat of real bankruptcy.

One of those who pulled out the relief network was Poor. On the first
the owners of the best clubs lasted as the only one until that
season. The current structure of the owner is after his resignation
the oldest Jozef Antosik, owner of MŠK Žilina, who is already in the second
year of the independent league financially helped the club Zilina. But his
the owner and the principal financier were only a few years later.

The club of Žilina is one of the most stable in Slovakia – financially.
and performance. Zilina was able to sell more footballers to
leading foreign league clubs do not pitch, but it's not
autonomous club.

Matúš Čonka, son of FC Spartak Trnava ...

Matúš Čonka, son of the FC owner
Spartak Trnava Martin Poor, owner of Vladimír Poor and Lukáš Greššák
celebrate the victory of Trnava on Olimpia Ljubljana in EL.

Author: SITA,
Ivan Kopčáni

"We were definitely vintage when we received more money from the players"
as we have invested, but most of us are in less, the expenses are higher than
income, "says Antosik.

The first closed the valves of Rezeš

MŠK is one of three clubs that have played in the Champions League group.
Two of his predecessors at the highest level have disappeared.

It was almost always true that when the treasurer had locked the boss who was
the unique and unlimited leaders, the club did not collect anymore. this
the historical experience is also a warning for Trnava football.

The first was the Košice FC, whose owner was a great businessman
Alexander Rezeš. His old pride several first seasons at home
she competed in the competition, only in the 2002/2003 season the double master fell and
He bent.

An attempt to revive Kosice's football on the new base only lasted for a while, he took care of himself
Blažej Podolák, but when he got his money, another one was followed
accident. The second largest Slovak city with a big football
the fourth year of absence of representatives among Slovaks

The godfather sits in Slovan

There was no other successful team on the Slovak football scene
in an era of autonomy. Artmediu Petržalka traveled extensively for years, Ivan Kmotrík,
the team is in the league since the fourth year. Under the direction of the coach
Vladimir Weiss won two titles and played the most jovial matches
Slovak leagues championships.

Major owner of the Spartak football club ...

Major football owner
club Spartak Trnava Vladimír Poór.
Author: SITA, Ivan

Ten years ago, Kmotrík announced the transfer of the Tehelné pole to Slovan, a
malnourished financially, Artmedia quickly lost its position in Slovak
point. The new Petroleum Club, which is not his direct successor,
in other conditions and with other owners trying to brush the old
the fame of football in this part of Bratislava. He still touched
Second division.

As another champion of the Slovak era – Bratislava Inter. and
the team of Pasienkov, who has long been the division of Czechoslovakia
financially held by Slovnaft, had a difficult fall. At the beginning of this century
got two titles, but in 2009 fell to the bottom, the new owners sold
license to Senice. Inter in the best years of the euro
on the three-month budget since 2010 he's gone from fifth league with
100 thousand.

Spartak fans are already reporting

Trnavský Spartak celebrated the first Slovak title in summer and now
it can not be excluded that he is undergoing developments similar to those of his predecessors
on the championship. Unlike them, however, they can fall on hard ground
much faster.

Spartaka Trnava fans.

Spartaka Trnava Fans

Author: SITA, Ivan Kopčáni

The annual budget of the leading club in the Slovak competition is
level of four million euros. Poor Monday announced that because of
extensive fall program when the club also played in leagues and masters
European League, has increased by more than five million.

The team has won something, but the owner recently claimed that for
twenty years after joining the club, he has invested about eighty million euros. "Football me
not even the euro. I do it because I want to do it, "he says
in an interview for the truth.

At the same time, he already admitted a year ago that he was ready to give up the club. "If you do
finds a strong investor or a co-investor, who Spartak goes up
level, I will not defend it, I will give it the necessary space. But to no one
I will not let the ice cream maker decide on the club. I am in Trnava football
it's important, "he said.

Interested people are already reporting and Poor is talking to them. If he is serious
investor, Trnavský Spartak should not fall to the bottom, like the other Slovaks
best clubs in the recent past.

Poll: If you had money, would you buy a football club?

Ján Pivarník

Master of Europe 1976
"I've never bought a club, in my opinion he should not stay up and fall.
man, even if he is a powerful entrepreneur. I do not expect it to be a good practice. me
they like when there are more shareholders among the owners, like the city.
We would find similar cases abroad the same way abroad. "

Jozef Marko

former international football referee
"I'm going to have a sport, and if I win more, it's maybe.
But I would just like to be a very small club. I do not want to invest a lot in him
money, I would keep it on an amateur basis, so we can all do it
more joy and we could especially support the children. I would appreciate it. "

Milan Lešický

former football coach
"I would never buy a football club, even if I had a chance.
In my opinion, the money is thrown away. That's what I say for thirty years and so on.
it is always the case. If I had 10 euros in my pocket, I would prefer them
to park without shelter. At least one of them would really benefit. "

Branislav Jašurek

football coach
"It's a simple answer – no, but if I did it really
a profit above the standard that would significantly exceed the annual budget
club, I would have tried it. So I would be in such a risky investment
he was going there because such a job would entertain and certainly fill. "

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