Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings confirmed the rating of Slovakia A +


The agencies' valuation is based on solid economic growth, which is expected to reach 4% this year and similar dynamics are expected next year.

The rating agencies Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings confirmed Slovakia's A + rating with a stable outlook on the Friday note of Slovakia. According to the Treasury, credit ratings result from rapid and long-term economic growth, the stability of the banking sector and a sound fiscal policy

The public debt will decline

L 39; agency valuation is based on solid economic growth to reach 4% and similar dynamics are expected next year. The economy of Slovakia, according to the agencies, is mainly driven by strong household consumption, European fund investment, net export growth, but especially new investment in the automotive industry. With the growth of the economy and the ongoing consolidation, public debt is also expected to decline. Estimates of less than 45% of gross domestic product in 2020.

Credit rating agencies' positive ratings by financial sector Slovakia has also contributed to the stability of the banking sector. The agencies also appreciated the measures taken to reduce household debt and the stability of public finances, which benefit from higher tax revenues due to record unemployment

Risks associated with l '. opening of the economy

factors related to the opening of the Slovak economy. This is mainly due to the fact that Slovakia is the largest car producer per capita in the world.

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